Chapter 239

"Yes!" Jing Yan nodded gently, looked at his mother's face and smiled, he picked up the car keys and went out again.

The servants put the dinner on the table, and someone went upstairs to ask Mr. Jing to come down. Mo Wan sat on the sofa, feeling a little curious. There were rumors outside that Mr. Jing was so powerful, but she had never seen him.

While talking, there were footsteps on the stairs. The person who came down was tall and tall, with a heroic spirit in his brows. The majesty exuding from his whole body should not be underestimated.

"Dad!" Seeing that Jing Han was born, everyone said in unison.

The whole family stood up spontaneously and addressed the people who came down respectfully. Only Ms. Jin Muwan didn't move, she was still sitting on the sofa, frowning at the people who came down, with a look of annoyance. .

Jing Hansheng swept across the crowd, his eyes lingered on Mo Wan for a moment, and he became thoughtful.

Seeing his father's gaze, Jing Chen immediately smiled and said, "Dad, her name is Mo Wan." While speaking, he gently pushed the person beside him.

Mo Wan came back to her senses, with a cleverness all over her body, she whispered: "Hello, Uncle!"

Withholding his scrutinizing gaze, Jing Hansheng just gave a low "hmm" and didn't say much, and there was no expression on his face.

Ever since he came downstairs, Mo Wan had been carefully observing his face. He looked energetic and straight. He didn't look like an old man in his 70s, but looked like a middle-aged man.

Jing Hansheng turned his head to look at his wife who was sitting on the sofa, his tense face suddenly pulled away a smile, and his brows and eyes softened: "Who is making you unhappy again?"

Jin Muwan stood up from the sofa, walked to the entrance, and said angrily, "Second son hasn't come back yet!"

Hearing her words, Jing Hansheng smiled slightly, turned his head to look at the crowd and said, "Take your seats first!" After speaking, he walked to the door, separated his feet, and stood beside his wife.

Everyone walked into the dining room, pulled out the chairs and sat down. Jing Chen took Mo Wan to sit beside him, said a few words to her in a low voice, and briefly introduced the situation of their family.

The servants put the dinner on the table, but none of them dared to move their chopsticks, they just waited for Mr. Jing to give an order.Soon, there was the sound of cars in the courtyard, followed by footsteps, and screaming and cursing.

"Stinky boy, do you still know how to come back?"

"Mom, don't pinch my ears! Alas, Mom, be gentle, I hurt!"

"Nonsense! If it doesn't hurt, I won't screw it. If you dare not go home, believe it or not, I will move to live with you!"

"Trust! Mom, I was wrong!"

Hearing the noise in the living room, Mo Wan couldn't help laughing, stretched her neck and looked outside, only to see Jing Hansheng walking in with a sullen face, followed by his wife and two sons.

Jing Rui is the second son of the Jing family. He has been eccentric since he was a child, and now he is a well-known lawyer in the legal and political circles.

Seeing the second brother coming back, Jing Chen smiled lowly, stretched out his foot to trip him, but Jing Rui easily dodged it, and clasped his shoulder with his backhand, trying to use his strength.

"Sit down and eat!"

When Mr. Jing spoke, the two who were still playing around immediately stopped, and left angrily, returning to everyone.Jing Yan looked at his two young brothers and sighed silently.

Mo Wan looked up and suddenly noticed something, her eyes widened immediately.I saw Mr. Jing walking in from the living room, holding his wife's hand tightly, with an intimate demeanor, without any scruples about the children and grandchildren around him.

Mo Wan turned her head in surprise and looked at the people around her. Seeing that everyone looked normal, as if they had long been used to it, she had no choice but to shut her mouth and dare not say anything.It was really the first time for her to see such an elderly couple walking around in front of their children and grandchildren holding hands like this, and whispering like no one else.

During the meal, the atmosphere gradually became lively, there were many Jing family members, and the chirping was naturally noisy.There are children at the dining table, so there must be laughter. In addition, Ms. Jin always fights with her granddaughter, which makes the children cry and laugh at times.

Although Mo Wan had only spoken a word to Mr. Jing in total, she could tell that the whole family was afraid of his majesty and had always been cautious in front of him.Even Jing Chen didn't dare to speak loudly when he saw his father, like a mouse seeing a cat.

But amid all the solemnity, Jing Hansheng was the only one who treated his wife beside him tenderly. Whenever he saw her, he was always smiling, his eyes were unbiased, and his eyes stayed on her.When You Qi saw her child-like smile, his whole body lit up.

Although Jing's mother looks very young, she is also old after all. It is really rare to see such a childlike innocence as her. After years of hardships, she can still maintain such a mentality, which shows how the man around her is. Only by caring for her carefully can he pamper her so much.

It turns out that happiness should look like this!

In such a peaceful atmosphere, time always passes quickly.After dinner, Mo Wan had to rush back to take care of his father, so he got up to say goodbye.Jin Muwan was reluctant to part with her and insisted on asking her to sit still. In the end, Jing Chen looked at his father for help and asked for help with his eyes.

"Mu Mu!" Jing Hansheng called her softly, but that was the only sentence that made Jin Muwan, who was still noisy, quiet down, and let go of Mo Wan's hand.

After getting in the car, Mo Wan was still smiling. She found that Jing's mother was really cute and a very warm person.

"Are you laughing at my mother?" While driving, Jing Chen looked back at Mo Wan and couldn't help asking her.

Mo Wan was stunned for a moment, hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said: "Your mother... so cute!"

Jing Chen also smiled lowly, his eyes softened: "People who have met her say so!" After a pause, he said in a deep voice, "But my mother is really good!"

Mo Wan nodded vigorously. Although she had only met her twice, she liked Mama Jing very much, but after thinking of something, she wondered, "Your mother looks so young!" In fact, she really wanted to ask, Mama Jing looked He looks like he is only in his 50s, why is Jing Yan already 40 years old!
Holding the steering wheel with both hands, Jing Chen turned his head and looked at her with a gentle expression on his face: "My father is 17 years older than my mother, and neither the elder brother nor the second brother was born to my mother!"

(End of this chapter)

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