Chapter 240

"Ah?" Mo Wan was taken aback, seeing the affectionate appearance of their mother and son just now, even if she was killed, she would not believe that their mother and son were not their own.

Jing Chen looked at her with an unbelievable expression on her face, and also laughed: "My father's previous wife passed away shortly after giving birth to her second brother. My mother was only 20 years old when she married into the Jing family!" While speaking, he Glancing at Mo Wan, he smiled and said, "It's even younger than you!"

Mo Wan glared at him, thinking what are you looking at me for?But when he heard his words, he was full of doubts: "Your mother got married at such a young age?"

Nodding and smiling, Jing Chen's face flashed with pride: "At that time, everyone in the city knew that the youngest daughter of the Jin family was the jewel in the palm of the Jin family, and those who proposed to my mother could line up from the south city to the north city. But my mother didn't like any of them, so she insisted on marrying my father! My grandfather was so angry that he almost shot my father!"

"Wow!" Mo Wan came to his senses all of a sudden, and asked him slowly: "Then what happened later? How about later?"

Seeing her radiant face, Jing Chen had a gentle smile in his eyes: "My father is very manly. He asked my mother if he wanted to marry? My mother said to marry, so he knelt in front of my grandfather's house for three days Sanye, it was my grandma who softened her heart and agreed to their marriage!"

Hearing this, Mo Wan couldn't help her heart twitching. No wonder Jing's mother is still so happy now. With such a man who loves her, how can she not be happy?
Speaking of his mother, Jing Chen also looked proud, "Later, I heard from my father that when my mother first married into the Jing family, the eldest brother was only five years old and the second brother was one year old. My mother never thought of having another child. If it wasn't for me Dad insists, I'm afraid there won't be me in this world!" Although he said this sourly, but the sincerity on his face, Mo Wan could see that he was proud to have such a kind-hearted mother!

Don't talk about him, even Mo Wan was very moved when he heard it. There are women in this world who can devote themselves to raising other people's children, and even give up their right to be a mother in order to take care of other people's children. Such a character is definitely worthy of our admiration!

"Your mother is so kind!" Mo Wan sighed sincerely, from the bottom of her heart, with the urge to cry.

Along the way, Jingchen told her many things about her childhood, which moved Mo Wan's heart.Although blood is thicker than water, it is incomparable, but the kindness of nurturing is even more profound and meaningful. Mother Jing has endured all these years of hard work, and now she sees her children and grandchildren, how happy she must be!

Mo Wan couldn't help being envious in her heart, if she could have such a life, she would have no regrets in this life!

His father's condition gradually improved. Although Mo Wan was busy and hard, he was also relieved.She was working in the company that day when she suddenly saw someone coming to her.

"San'er, are you there?" Jin Muwan walked to Mo Wan's side and asked her with a smile.

Seeing that it was her, Mo Wan immediately smiled and said softly, "Hello, Auntie, the president has gone to a meeting, you can wait for him inside!"

Jin Muwan blinked and smiled, a cunning flashed in his eyes: "I'm not looking for him, I'm looking for you!"

Mo Wan was taken aback for a moment, before she recovered, she had dragged him away, and the two went to a nearby coffee shop.

Jin Muwan took a sip of his drink and smiled all over his face: "You left too early that day, I had time to have a good chat with you."

Because of Jing Chen's words that night, Mo Wan admired her very much from the bottom of her heart, and her tone was even more respectful: "Auntie, I should be the one to visit you, why did you let you come to see me? The president told me many things that day, I am so grateful I admire you!"

"San'er, are you showing off again?" Jin Muwan couldn't help smiling, with a gentle face: "Actually, it's nothing, none of the three brats in our family can make me worry! If only I had a daughter , as well-behaved as you, then I will wake up laughing from my dreams!"

Mo Wan smiled sweetly, feeling a little touched in her heart. Thinking of her childhood, her eyes darkened: "You are a good mother!"

Looking at the sincere smile in her eyes, Jin Muwan smiled softly, with a gentle tone: "Anyone would do that! When I married into the Jing family, the eldest was only five years old, and the second son was one. Looking at them, they are no different from my own. If Han Sheng hadn't said that he wanted one of our children, there wouldn't be Jing Chen at all!"

Looking at Jing's mother's loving face, Mo Wan fantasized, if her mother was still alive, would she be full of maternal love like this?
"Hehe..." Mo Wan couldn't help laughing, thinking that if there was no Jing Chen, there would be fewer evil spirits in this world!
In today's era of openness, there are many old couples and young wives, but going back more than 30 years ago, this kind of situation should be rare.Mo Wan was curious and couldn't help asking her: "Auntie, what did you think when you married your uncle?"

Jin Muwan raised her eyebrows and smiled, her expression full of pride: "What are you thinking? I fell in love with him the first time I saw him, so I married him!" When she said this, her face was full of smiles. This kind of love that spreads from the bottom of my heart is obvious.

Mo Wan smiled slightly, thinking that this woman really dared to love and hate. At that time, she had such good conditions, but she wanted to marry a man who was 17 years older than her and had two children.

Sensing the suspicion in her eyes, Jin Muwan smiled lowly, her fair cheeks glowing: "At that time, my father refused to agree and put me in confinement! But I'm not afraid, I just want to marry, I know this man is worthy of me Give your life!"

Jing's mother's words made Mo Wan's heart twitch slightly, and something flashed in an instant, and her jet-black pupils darkened.

"Scared you, didn't you?" Seeing her dark face, Jin Muwan didn't know what she was thinking, but just smiled and said, "But I don't regret it, and I still don't regret it until today! Being able to spend these few days with him After ten years, I am already satisfied, if one day he wants to walk ahead of me, I will definitely let him walk happily from my arms!"

Mo Wan stared at her face, only seeing the flash of loneliness in her eyes, and soon returned to normal, without any sadness.You were born before I was born, and I am old when I was born.This kind of poignant love can be so beautiful!
Mo Wan suddenly understood why Jing Hansheng's eyes were so loving when he saw her?Such a woman is worthy of careful protection by any man and giving her a lifetime of happiness!

(End of this chapter)

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