Chapter 243

But he actually softened his heart, because seeing her terrified eyes and the sadness in his heart would make him soften!This kind of him seems a little strange, so strange that he can't even recognize him. He had originally arranged to bring her back to him, regardless of his weakness, as long as he keeps her by his side!

If she is destined to become his weakness, then he would rather keep his weakness by his side, so that he can have enough ability to protect her from any harm!

What she said tonight, as well as the look in her eyes, made him feel hurt!Maybe, he really can't be soft-hearted, really shouldn't be soft-hearted!
With one foot on the accelerator, with a gloomy expression on his face, he drove the car back to the villa, turned off the engine, and strode into the house.His slender figure flashed past, he lifted his feet up the stairs, and went straight back to the bedroom on the second floor.

Pushing open the door of the bedroom, there was a light on inside, Leng Zhuo's face changed, and he turned around sullenly, and he saw a beautiful figure sitting on the sofa.

"Zhuo," Si Yu sat on the sofa and almost fell asleep. Hearing his footsteps, he immediately cheered up: "You're coming back so late? Are you hungry?"

Leng Yan turned around and saw that it was her, his face immediately turned cold, he squinted his eyes, and looked at her figure sitting on the sofa with a gloomy and terrifying expression.


Leng Zhuo's eyebrows were tightly frowned, and he yelled at the door, just as his voice fell, Steward Song had already walked in quickly: "Young Master Leng, what are your orders?"

Raising eyebrows and looking at the woman opposite, Leng Zhuo forced himself to suppress his anger, and said coldly: "Send Miss Si home!"

Miss Si?
Such a title made Si Yu's face turn pale, and her heart ached.Now that they are engaged, why does he still call her Miss Si?

It was too late to be too sad, Si Yu immediately changed her face, she strode forward, and said softly: "Zhuo, let me stay and take care of you! You look very tired!"

"No need!" Leng Zhuo frowned, took a step back, and avoided her touch, "It's so late, it's not good for the child to be alone at home, you should hurry back!"

Hearing what she said, Si Yu's frowned eyebrows slowly loosened, and a burst of joy flashed in her heart: "I sent Yaoyao to my mother's house, you don't have to worry about the child."

Looking at her, her eyes gradually turned cold, her face was cold and sullen, and her thin lips were tightly pressed together: "Si Yu, you don't understand what I said, do you?"

Seeing his sudden change of attitude, Si Yu was taken aback again, and the expression on her face became aggrieved: "Don't be angry, I'm just worried about your body..."

"I'm fine!" Leng Zhuo stern, his eyes showed impatience: "There are many people here to take care of me, you just need to take care of the child, and you don't need to worry about other things!"

Although there was nothing wrong with his words, the indifference and alienation in his tone was so obvious that anyone who wasn't a fool could hear it.

Seeing that she was still standing still, Leng Zhuo immediately lowered his face, and said to Steward Song, "Send her away!"

"Yes!" Steward Song didn't dare to question, and immediately nodded in response, walked up to Si Yu, and respectfully asked her to go out.

Seeing that there was no room for change in the matter, Si Yu had no choice but to reluctantly pick up the purse, and when passing by his side, she pretended to be soft and said: "Then I'll go first, you should rest well."

With tears in her eyes, she turned around, followed Steward Song's footsteps, and the driver took her home.

The man stretched out his hand to loosen the tie, tore it off, and threw it on the ground. His handsome face twisted angrily, and he growled, "Come on!"

The servant trotted in and asked timidly, "Master Leng, what do you need?"

Leng Yan glanced at the dazzling sofa, his face was gloomy, he pointed his finger, and said sharply: "Change it for me, immediately!"

"Yes, yes!" The servant didn't understand, but he didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he hurriedly turned around and followed his instructions.

Soon, the servants brought up brand new sofas and replaced the original ones in the bedroom. Seeing them leave swiftly, the man's gloomy expression eased a little.

He took off his shirt, frowning coldly and irritably, and walked to the closet. After seeing the shirts hanging in the front row, his face became even more ugly. He turned around with a sullen face, and walked into the bathroom.

The east is gradually turning white, and the fiery red sun is slowly rising.The bright light in the room stimulated the eyeballs, Mo Wan blinked, only to realize that it was already bright, she looked at the sunshine all over the floor, and the chill all over her body finally warmed up.

She stayed up all night, sitting on the bed, thinking about the things she had experienced in these years, each of which was heart-piercing, and made her desperate to the point of nowhere. If she could, she would rather choose to die, such a painful and tragic life It's really hard to live!

This idea flashed in her mind, and she immediately became alert, thinking of her brother's pure face, thinking of her father who was still in the hospital bed, and thinking that she hadn't tasted happiness yet, her eyes suddenly became sour.

How could she think of death?Since her tenacious birth, it meant that she could not admit defeat. If she surrendered to her fate, wouldn't all the hard work she had put in these years be in vain?
Raising her hand to wipe away the slippery corners of her eyes, Mo Wan lifted the quilt and got up from the bed. Broken desk lamps were scattered on the floor. Looking at the shards of glass all over the floor, her heart began to ache again.If you really want to force her to this point, can't you really give her a comfortable path?
Cleaning up the glass shards on the ground, Mo Wan's sluggish expression calmed down. She knew in her heart that if that man wanted to embarrass her, she would not be able to hide even if she ran to the sky.Now that her father is sick and her younger brother needs treatment, she can't hide anywhere, so she can only stay here.

Thinking of what he said last night, Mo Wan felt bitter in his heart.The first time he said, let her be his woman, she became Mrs. Leng.This time, he said to let her be his woman, but made her his lover.This kind of irony is really realistic. Is she going to be so unbearable?

Must her fate be in the hands of that man?No, she will not admit defeat, nor will she compromise!
Although she resolutely denies it in her heart, she can't help worrying about the comfort of her family. Thinking of those days before, and thinking of the gentleness he occasionally showed, she still has a little luck in her heart. Maybe he was just talking, not really mad Do something to your father and brother!

(End of this chapter)

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