Chapter 244

Concentrating her full thoughts, Mo Wan went to the bathroom to wash up. She changed the broken clothes on her body, tidied herself up, and went out as usual to go to work in the company.

Outside the Tia Group, a red sports car drove over quickly. Huo Shaoqing opened the door, walked down angrily, and pretended to go into the building.

"Miss Huo!" The security guard of the building reached out to stop her, with a gloomy expression: "You can't go in!"

"What?" Huo Shaoqing took off the sunglasses on his face, turned his head to stare at those people fiercely, and said angrily, "Don't you know who I am?"

The security guard raised his eyebrows and glanced at her, thinking why he didn't know you, it's because you were reprimanded by the president last time and almost lost their jobs.Thinking of the president's exhortation last time, they had a tough attitude: "Sorry, you can't go in!"

Huo Shaoqing became furious all of a sudden, she has always come here unimpeded, but today she was blocked by a few people, which is really strange, her face was ashen, and the anger in her heart surged: "You guys, who gave you the courage to dare Talk to me like that?"

The security guards glanced at her with a smile, all of them looked gloomy, "It was the president's order, and we are only following the order!"

Hearing what they said, Huo Shaoqing's complexion changed "swish", her eyes widened in disbelief, and her heart heaved uncontrollably.Opening her purse, she took out her cell phone with a pale face, but her fingers lingered on the familiar number, and she dared not dial it.

After being dazed for a long time, Huo Shaoqing lowered her head with desolate eyes. She didn't care about pursuing those people's mocking eyes, she turned around angrily, and drove the car away stiffly.

After a busy day, Mo Wan handled the work in an orderly manner. When it was time to get off work, Jing Chen couldn't help but come out to find her.

"Mo Wan!" Jing Chen walked to her desk with a very ugly expression on his face. He glanced at her expression and said in a low tone, "I'm embarrassing you about the report! Don't worry, I will report it to you as soon as possible." Get those news under control! Also, instead of my mother, I apologize to you!"

Mo Wan tidied up the things on the table, looked up at his apologetic face, and the anger in his heart subsided a lot.She sighed slightly, her face softened a little: "Don't say that, I believe that my aunt's intention is not malicious!"

Thinking of Jing Chen's help to her before, Mo Wan pursed her lips and smiled, and said, "I'm fine, my endurance is far better than you imagined!" When she said this, the darkness in her eyes disappeared Light, a dazzling brilliance.

Seeing the light in her eyes, Jing Chen relaxed his frowning brows, and said with a smile: "Then I really underestimated you, how about I treat you to dinner?"

"No." Mo Wan smiled and shook her head, raised her hand to look at the time, and said truthfully, "I still have to go to the hospital."

Jing Chen nodded clearly, not angry at her refusal, but concerned: "How is your father?"

"It's much better. I'll be discharged from the hospital in a few days." When she mentioned her father, she couldn't help laughing, with a soft expression on her face.

Seeing the gentle smile on her face, Jing Chen couldn't help being stunned. Certain expressions on her face could always attract his attention and make him linger involuntarily.Realizing his gaffe, he looked sideways slightly and asked, "Then shall I take you to the hospital?"

Hearing his words, Mo Wan's expression changed, she waved her hands hastily, and said teasingly, "Don't, we are rumored couples now, if someone sees us going in and out together, this turmoil will really not calm down!"

"Hehe..." Seeing the fear in her eyes, Jing Chen couldn't help chuckling, he looked at her knowingly, and they looked at each other and smiled.Although he was not afraid of becoming the focus of rumors, but considering her feelings, he nodded and did not embarrass her!

After walking out of the Tia Building, Mo Wan felt much better. She went to the hospital by car. When she arrived, Mo Lin happened to be there.Seeing her younger brother and father instantly cleared away the haze in her heart.

After dinner in the hospital, Mo Wan washed his father, walked to the bed, and said with a smile, "Dad, you should sleep well tonight! I'll pick you up tomorrow morning, okay?"

Mo Shuyuan raised his hand and gently stroked his daughter's head, with tears welling up in his eyes: "Wan'er, Dad is sorry for you!"

Hearing what his father said, Mo Wan felt uncomfortable, and quickly smiled: "Dad, you are talking nonsense again! As long as you and Xiao Lin are well, and our whole family is happy together, I am already very satisfied! "

"Okay..." Mo Shuyuan looked at the pair of children in front of him with tears in his eyes, and comforted him infinitely in his heart: "Father is so blessed to have you two!"

Mo Lin put his arms around the shoulders of his father and sister, and smiled gently. Now that he has grown up, he also wants to protect them with his shoulders like a man!
After settling down his father, Mo Wan took his younger brother out of the hospital and sent him back to the city hospital.The distance between these two hospitals is not too far, and they can be reached within a ten-minute walk.

Walking along the side of the road, Mo Wan was in a peaceful mood. She reached out and held her brother's arm, looking at her brother who was two heads taller than herself, full of comfort.These years, she has not gained nothing, she saved her brother's life and raised him!

"Sister!" Mo Lin turned his head to look at his sister's face, his heart was filled with gratitude: "I would have died long ago without you all these years!"

A dimness flashed across the jet-black Jian pupil, Mo Wan stretched out her hand to hold his hand, and said firmly, "Xiao Lin, as long as my sister is here, I will definitely let him live!"

Mo Lin nodded vigorously. He knew better than anyone else the hard work his sister had put in these years.If it wasn't for him, my sister wouldn't have suffered so much and suffered so much!

"Sister, I have something to discuss with you." Mo Lin slowed down and looked serious.

Seeing his serious appearance, Mo Wan couldn't help laughing, and asked him, "What do you mean?"

Looking at the smile in her eyes, Mo Lin's eyes sank, "My attending doctor has a friend who is in the United States, and now he is going to conduct a pathological experiment, and he is treating a disease like mine. Although it is still in the experimental stage, But I want to try it!"

When Mo Wan heard this, many complicated emotions flashed in his heart, "What is the probability of success?"

(End of this chapter)

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