Chapter 250

Women who are also frustrated in love gather together, talk about their thoughts, and shed tears. Only they understand the pain in their hearts.

"Xiaoyu," Huo Shaoqing drank the red wine, his expression was gloomy: "Jing Chen really hates me!"

Si Yu stretched out her hand and poured herself a glass of wine, and finished it with a gulp, comforting her softly: "Don't worry, he's been angry recently, after a while, I'll go and persuade him!"

Huo Shaoqing smiled bitterly, and the expression in her eyes became even darker. Only she knew in her heart that this time, Jing Chen was really cruel to him, and really broke his heart!When he is heartless, he will definitely not look back!
Si Yu was also very sad, since she got engaged to Leng Zhuo, she saw him less often than before, and he had nothing to say to himself when they met occasionally!She couldn't understand in her heart, since he still treated her so indifferently, why did he still get engaged to her?
After getting engaged, he ignored her again. Why did he hurt her so much?
Although he never said it, Si Yu knew in his heart that he still had Mo Wan in his heart and was still thinking about her. That woman is really a disaster. All of your friends suffer?

Si Yu was in poor health, Huo Shaoqing didn't dare to let her drink too much alcohol, when she saw that she was slightly drunk, she immediately pulled her out of the bar, stuffed her into the car, and drove her home directly.

Huo Shaoqing supported Si Yu and sent her outside the house. She was looking for the key to Si Yu's house, but the door suddenly opened, and there was a man standing inside with a gloomy expression.

Huo Shaoqing couldn't help trembling as she looked at the man with a sullen look on her face. She had seen this man before, and it was Si Yu who introduced her to her last time. She knew his name was Zhou Shaoyan.

Zhou Shaoyan opened the door, and saw Si Yu who was drunk at a glance. His face became gloomy, and he stretched out his arms to hug her and hugged her in his arms.Looking across Huo Shaoqing's surprised face, he just nodded gently and didn't say much.

Seeing him picking up the person, Huo Shaoqing didn't say much, but smiled politely: "Mr. Zhou, Xiaoyu drank too much, please take good care of her!"

"I will!" Zhou Shaoyan hugged the person in his arms, and replied in a deep voice, then he watched Huo Shaoqing turn and leave, and closed the door.

Holding her to the sofa to lie down, Zhou Shaoyan's frowning brows slowly relaxed. He sighed, turned around and went to the bathroom to wet a dry towel, walked back quickly, and sat beside her.

Raising his hand to wipe her face with a hot towel, Zhou Shaoyan had a deep look in his eyes. He looked at her blushing cheeks, lowered his head involuntarily, and put his lips on her cheeks.

Something hot slid across her face, Si Yu frowned and opened her eyes, and when she saw the man in front of her clearly, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Shaoyan, why are you here?"

Seeing her awake, Zhou Shaoyan smiled, stretched out his hand to help her up, and handed her a glass of warm water, "I came to see you, but I didn't expect to see you drunk!"

After taking a few sips of warm water, the discomfort in Si Yu's throat healed up a lot. She put down the water glass, feeling sad all of a sudden.I don't know if it was because of drinking, but she was inexplicably sad and her heart throbbed.

"Shaoyan..." Si Yu couldn't help but put her body close to his arms, crying and whispering: "I'm so sad."

Tears flowed from the corners of her eyes, dripping on Zhou Shaoyan's chest, and the shirt soon fainted with water stains. His handsome face was tense, and he reached out to hold her in his arms, and whispered: "Xiaoyu, why are you crying?" so sad?"

Si Yu fell into his arms, felt the warmth of his body, and felt even more uncomfortable, "Why is he so indifferent to me? Shaoyan, I really love him. From before to now, my heart has never changed Yes! During those years of treatment, you have seen it, how many times I want to die, but I can't bear him, so I live to this day, but how can he break my heart like this!"

Zhou Shaoyan's frown was getting higher and higher, his face was gloomy, and the expression in his eyes was gloomy.The whole body of the woman curled up in her arms trembled slightly, and she cried and murmured loudly, but it was all because of another man, and that man had a blood feud with him!
If it hadn't been for the cold and ungrateful take away of the goods back then, how could the Zhou family have been chased and killed, so that the whole family was brutally murdered overnight, only he, the "illegitimate child" of the Zhou family, could survive.In fact, he was not an illegitimate child, but his father raised him outside since he was a child just in case, and no one knew his true identity.

How can he forget such hatred, and how can he be soft?Over the years, he has worked hard to cultivate his own power, and now when he is finally strong enough, of course he will put the enemy to death!As long as he thinks of the tragic death of the whole family, his eyes will be stained with blood red. He has to pay for this debt slowly, and he must not let the culprit die too happily!
"Shaoyan..." Si Yu moved her face closer to his arms, the tears still in the corner of her eyes: "I'm really sad."

The bloodthirsty redness in Zhou Shaoyan's eyes gradually calmed down after hearing her low cry. He raised his hand and caressed Si Yu's hair, and the darkness in his eyes showed a moment of tenderness: "Xiaoyu, I'm here By your side, I won't make you sad..."

He murmured meaningfully, stretching out his arms to hug the person in his arms tightly, with tenderness in his eyes.He almost died at the beginning, but fortunately Si Yu saved him, and since then he has been more concerned about going.Maybe in this world, a person like him shouldn't have any thoughts at all, but Si Yu is an exception. Since meeting her, he has been hesitant all these years, and he is still reluctant to let her go!

Hearing his gentle whispers, Si Yu felt even more disappointed in her heart. She raised her head slightly, looked at the tenderness in his eyes, and a trace of gloom slipped across her face, "If the man I love is you, how good would it be?"

Zhou Shaoyan's face froze, his long and narrow peach eyes narrowed, he pursed his lips tightly, speechless in a daze, but his heart was covered with a layer of ice because of her words.

For a moment of daze, Zhou Shaoyan lowered his head, and those gentle eyes instantly transformed into a hazy and stern look. Just because she loves that man so much, he will definitely ruthlessly plunder everything that originally belonged to that man. Even the woman in front of me!
(End of this chapter)

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