Chapter 251

In the villa at night, the lights are dim.

In the study room on the second floor, a desk lamp was on, and it was already late at night after the man had finished giving orders.The subordinates got his order and withdrew one after another, busy arranging the execution.

Leng Zhuo raised his hand and rubbed the sore brows. He stood up and walked to the window, looking up at the peaceful moonlight in the night sky, his expression gradually faded, and his slender figure showed a sense of loneliness.

After so many days, she still stubbornly persisted, using her own methods to fight against him. In fact, she has always been so stubborn, unwilling to give in to him easily.But Zhou Shaoyan seemed unable to wait, if she still refused to return to him, how would her safety be guaranteed?
Looking at the bright and clear moon in the night sky, various complex emotions surged in Leng Zhuo's heart, those star-like eyes dimmed, and his thin lips were pursed tightly, revealing a sharp arc.

Busy for several days to deal with his father's company, Mo Wan prepared a sum of money and immediately started arranging everything for his brother to go to the United States for treatment.The treatment will take about half a year. Although the success rate is only half, if the treatment fails, it will not make her brother's condition worse. Regarding this point, she finally feels at ease.

On Sunday morning, Mo Wan got up early, and the day when she arranged for her younger brother to go abroad was getting closer and closer. She cherished every time when her family was reunited.She got up in the morning, went shopping first, and then went home to settle down with her father. After everything was ready, she thought about going to the hospital to take her brother home, and the whole family had a reunion dinner together.

Pushing open his father's bedroom door, Mo Wan walked in softly, and saw him sitting on the bed, holding a photo album in his hand, with a sad face and tears in the corners of his eyes.

"Father..." Seeing the tears in the corner of his eyes, Mo Wan was startled, and ran in quickly, only to see that he was holding a photo of her mother and stepmother in his hand, and there were many tears on the album.

"Wan'er," Mo Shuyuan looked even more depressed when he saw his daughter, "Father is sorry for your mother, and also for Xiao Lin's mother!"

What her father said made Mo Wan's eyes sore, and her expression became depressed. She sniffed her nose hard to hold back the tears in her eyes, and reached out to hold his father's hand. She smiled and comforted him: "Dad, don't think about it." , mothers will not blame you!"

During the period of his illness, Mo Shuyuan often thought of the wrong things he did when he was young, and every single thing was vivid in his memory, which made him heartbroken.If he hadn't done anything wrong back then, he wouldn't have caused these two women to suffer for the rest of their lives. One day he died, and when he went to that world, what face would he have to meet the two of them!
"Wan'er, it's my father's fault, it's all my father's fault!" Mo Shuyuan felt guilty, with endless sadness in his expression, now that they were gone, he wasn't even given a chance to make amends.

Mo Wan closed the photo album in her father's hand and placed it beside the bed. She raised her hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of her father's eyes, and comforted him for a long time. She didn't feel relieved until his emotions calmed down.

Helping her father to the bathroom, Mo Wan brought warm water and put it beside the bed. She helped her father onto the bed, settled him down, and said to him with a smile, "Dad, you wait at home. I'll pick up Xiao Lin. You guys are delicious!"

When Mo Shuyuan heard his daughter's words, his eyes lit up. Now his greatest happiness is to be reunited with his children and share the family happiness. "Okay, Dad is waiting for you to come back."

Mo Wan nodded in satisfaction, picked up her bag, checked the doors and windows of the house, and only walked out of the house after confirming that they were all closed.When she reached the door, she still took out the key and locked the door of the house.

When she came downstairs, Mo Wan took a few steps forward. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw a few strange figures, and her steps hesitated slightly.In the past few days, she often found that people were following him, but those people never came close.She knew that she was a member of Leng Yan's subordinates, but she would not compromise. She must use her own methods to protect her family and get rid of that man's entanglement at the same time!
Because he had to rush home to cook at noon, Mo Wan didn't take the bus and took a taxi directly to pick up his younger brother. When the car arrived at Nanshan Road, it was blocked and there was a long queue of cars.This road is the only way to go to the city hospital. The road has always been spacious on both sides, and there is not often traffic jam, but maybe it is because of the weekend, so there is a lot of traffic.

The car moved forward with difficulty, almost starting and stopping. The taxi was caught in such an environment, and Mo Wan was too embarrassed to get out of the car and leave. What's more, if she got off here, she would never be able to find a bus, so she could only go there on foot. The hospital was a bit far away on foot, so she had no choice but to sit in the car and wait.

The traffic jam lasted for about half an hour before the traffic slowly started to flow. Mo Wan sat in the car bored and watched the traffic slowly move forward, and she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

When the car passed the intersection, she found that the reason for the traffic jam was because of a traffic accident.There were two cars parked in the middle of the road, which seemed to be a rear-end collision, and the road was full of car debris, but she didn't see anyone, and she knew the injuries of the people in the car.

After walking this distance, the taxi quickly drove to the city hospital. Mo Wan quickly ran to the ward and opened the door. His younger brother was already standing at the window, looking at her for a long time.Seeing her coming, Maureen couldn't help laughing.

The siblings looked at each other and smiled, and then they walked out of the hospital and rushed home to see their father.After getting out of the hospital by taxi, Mo Wan took his brother home, but as soon as the car arrived outside the community, they found that there were many cars parked in the community, and many people surrounded them.

The situation was unclear for a while, and Mo Wan didn't ask the driver to drive the car in. They just got out of the car outside the community. She took her brother's hand and walked home.

When she walked outside the building, Mo Wan gradually realized that something was wrong. There were many cars parked around, including police cars, ambulances, and fire engines. There was a strong smell of gas in the air, and on the ground outside their house, There are a lot of broken glass scattered around, and there are already many unknown debris.

When a neighbor saw the siblings coming back, they immediately ran over crying, crying: "You guys are back, something happened at home!"

Mo Wan's heart skipped a beat, and countless chills surged in an instant. She subconsciously raised her head and looked towards her window. All she could see was the dark window and the broken balcony.

(End of this chapter)

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