Chapter 254

Dad really left, so tragically, that he didn't even have time to see her and her brother!Thinking of his father who was paralyzed in bed, and the pain he had to endure before he died, Mo Wan's heart was pierced like a knife, the pain was so painful that he couldn't breathe!

Looking at her lowered eyes, he sighed coldly and silently. He stood up from the sofa, walked to the edge of the table, poured out the white porridge in the thermos bucket, and brought it in front of her.

Bending down and sitting beside her, Leng Zhuo picked up the spoon, blew the porridge slightly cool, and then brought it to her mouth, saying: "Open your mouth."

His eyes were sore and hard to suppress, Mo Wan sucked his nose hard to hold back the tears from rolling down his eyes.She raised her head slowly and looked at him expressionlessly, "I want to see Mo Lin!"

Hearing her repeating this sentence stubbornly, Leng Zhuo frowned unhappily, "I'll let you see him when you get better."

Facing his perfunctory, Mo Wan didn't appreciate it at all, she raised her hand angrily, pushed the bowl in his hand to the ground, and smashed it to pieces: "I won't eat, don't let me see my brother, I don't want anything eat!"

Facing such a threat from her, Leng Zhuo was furious. The anger in his heart surged, but he couldn't find an outlet to vent it. He could only hold back his anger and said coldly: "Very well, then don't even want to see your brother!"

After saying this, Leng Zhuo turned around and walked out of the ward without looking back.

Looking at his cold back as he walked out, Mo Wan smiled sinisterly, she bit her lip tightly, and lay back on the hospital bed again.Now that her father is gone, she only has one younger brother. If she can't keep Mo Lin, then she really can't survive!
After staying in the hospital for a few days, Mo Wan kept refusing to eat and relied on infusions to maintain her strength.For her repulsive attitude, Leng Zhuo was very angry, and ordered her to be picked up from the hospital and sent directly back to the house in Half Moon Bay.

Pushing open the door, Mo Wan walked into this not-so-familiar house, her heart trembled fiercely, after going around for a year, did she come back here again?Back to the beginning again?

Her life is really ironic, even the last shred of dignity was never left to her!
In the bright and clean ward, Jing Chen leaned against the ward, his sparkling peach eyes sparkled, making many young and beautiful nurses who came to round the ward have flushed cheeks and red eyes.

Since he was admitted to the hospital, the daily rounds in his ward have become a beautiful sight in the hospital.The number of nurses accompanying the ward rounds is increasing day by day, and it continues to increase at an incalculable rate!

Jing Chen didn't show dissatisfaction with this, and was even full of joy. Teasing them like this every day can pass a lot of time!Seeing the reluctant and beautiful little girls leaving, he lowered his head with a smile, picked up the morning newspaper beside him, and continued reading.

After flipping through the news report on the second page, he glanced inadvertently, and saw a news about a liquefied gas explosion.Originally, he didn't pay much attention, but he was stunned when he saw the not-so-clear photo by accident.

Although only a small half of the side face in the photo was exposed, such a familiar outline and that familiar figure made his eyes shrink for a while.After carefully reading the report and seeing the location of the accident, his guess was immediately confirmed.

It was Mo Wan, it must be Mo Wan, something happened to her family.

Reaching out to pick up the mobile phone on the bedside table, Jing Chen dialed the phone with a sullen face, but when the phone was dialed out, there was only the sound of shutting down.He was silent for a moment, then dialed the phone to his subordinates again, ordering them to find someone.

Not long after, the subordinates reported that Mo Wan could not be found, not even a clue, not only her, but also her younger brother could not be found, as if the siblings disappeared out of thin air.

At such a moment, Jing Chen has already guessed who is the person who can have such means. His eyes slid over his injured right leg, and a burst of anger surged up, and his eyes turned dark.

A red sports car drove towards the hospital at high speed. The car had just stopped when the people in the car got out of the car in a panic. They hurriedly opened the back seat of the car and carried the child out of the car.

Si Yu held the crying child in her arms, her face was full of tears, her clothes were stained with blood, dripping from the child's forehead, "Doctor, doctor!"

Her screams attracted the help of the nurses. When everyone saw a child in her arms, they all stepped forward to help and took her directly to the emergency room on the second floor.

Seeing the child being sent to the operating room, Si Yu was still trembling all over. Not long ago, she took her daughter to play in the park, because she was so preoccupied that the child slipped and fell off the high slide, hitting his forehead just right. To the outer edge of the slide, a lot of blood flowed.

Seeing the blood stains on her hands, Si Yu felt a twinge of pain in her heart. She is really incompetent as a mother, she only thinks about her own affairs, but fails to take good care of her children. If her daughter is hurt by this, then she will never feel at ease for the rest of her life.

The nurse who went in quickly came out again. When Si Yu saw the nurse walking towards her, she felt anxious, took her hand, and asked, "How is the child?"

The nurse comforted her calmly, with a professional tone: "Don't worry, the wound on the child's forehead is not too deep, but the bleeding has not stopped. Just in case, please tell me the child's blood type?"

When Si Yu heard the nurse's explanation, she felt even more uncomfortable, but she didn't care about her sorrow, and hurriedly answered the question: "Type B." She answered very definitely without any hesitation.

The nurse nodded, then hurriedly turned around and walked back to the emergency room, busy preparing for the blood transfusion.

Her whole body went limp, and Si Yu fell onto the bench, her eyes staring at the red light in the emergency room, her hands and feet were cold.At this time, she was at a loss, but she didn't dare to call Leng Zhuo. If he saw the child hurt like this, she didn't know how angry she would be!
Fortunately, the waiting time was not very long, and the doctor came out of the emergency room very quickly. Seeing the doctor coming out, Si Yu almost rushed over and grabbed the doctor's wrist, saying in a trembling voice, "My daughter, my daughter..."

Seeing her pale face, the doctor hurriedly comforted her: "Madam, don't worry, the child's forehead was sutured with four stitches, and it was only a skin trauma. Fortunately, no brain tissue was injured. As long as the wound is healed in the hospital, he can be discharged."

(End of this chapter)

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