Chapter 255

Hearing the doctor's words, Si Yu's tears rolled down all of a sudden, and she let go of her tightly held heart. Fortunately, her daughter was fine, otherwise she would not be able to make up for it even if she died!
The previous nurse also came out later. When she passed by her, she seemed to be thinking of something, and came to remind her kindly: "Ma'am, your daughter is not type B blood, but type A blood. You remember it wrong, right?"

Si Yu was about to go to the ward, but when she heard what the nurse said, she was shocked, turned her head in disbelief, looked at her and asked, "Nurse, are you making a mistake? My daughter has type B blood."

The nurse couldn't hear such words, and immediately brought the laboratory test sheet in front of her eyes, and pointed it out to her seriously, "This is the blood test report just now, and Si Yao confirmed that it is type A blood."

Staring at the blood test sheet in the nurse's hand, Si Yu's eyes suddenly enlarged, her head buzzed, she could hardly stand still, and the blood on her face slowly faded away.

After returning to the ward, Si Yu saw her daughter's pale face, and her eye sockets became moist again. She held back tears, sat on the side of the bed and stared at her daughter's face, raised her hand to caress the wound on her forehead, and she gently lowered her eyes. Nan: "Baby, Mom is sorry for you."

After slowly stabilizing her emotions, Si Yu's eyes suddenly turned cold. She stared at her daughter's face in a daze, and slid across her facial features.After looking closely like this, she actually found that the child's eyebrows and eyes did not look cold!
Rubbing her eyes irritably, Si Yu looked again, and still felt that her daughter's facial features did not have a cold outline, but all these years she had always felt that her daughter was very similar to him, why did she suddenly feel that she was not the same again!

Could it be that suspicion creates dark ghosts?However, both she and Leng Zhuo have type B blood, how could Si Yao have type A blood?

Thinking of this question, Si Yu felt a chill run through her body. She felt as if she was sitting on pins and needles. Finally, she couldn't help standing up and entrusted the child to the nurse to take care of her for a while, before she drove home.

Driving home, Mother Si was waiting for their mother and daughter to come back for dinner, but when she saw her daughter coming back covered in blood, she immediately changed her face: "Xiaoyu, why are you covered in blood? Where is Yaoyao?"

Si Yu roughly told her mother what had happened, and Si's mother picked up her bag in tears, and was about to drag her to the hospital, but Si Yu stretched out her hand to hold her back.

After dismissing all the servants at home, Si Yu stared at her mother with her eyes straight, her voice trembling: "Whose child is Yaoyao?"

Si's mother was obviously stunned by her question, and panic flashed unnaturally on her face, "Of course Yaoyao is your daughter!"

Catching her mother's eyes dodging in panic, Si Yu's heart skipped a beat, a chill came over her face, and she said coldly, "Mom, are you hiding something from me?"

Mother Si didn't dare to look at her, she just took her hand and said softly: "Xiaoyu, don't think about it, let's go to the hospital, Yaoyao won't see what you're going to do when she wakes up."

Sensing her obvious perfunctory, Si Yu's heart sank heavily. She shook off her mother's hand and screamed, "You're still lying to me? Leng Zhuo and I both have type B blood. How could the child have type A blood?" ?”

Mother Si's eyes widened in vain, and she looked at her daughter in disbelief, "You, how do you know?"

The last hope in my heart was shattered by my mother's words, Si Yu's face turned pale, she looked at her with tears in her eyes, and said, "Tell me, what's going on?"

Seeing that the matter could no longer be concealed, Mother Si could only tell the truth: "You wanted a child back then, but the embryos conceived by the two of you didn't survive. Re-select in the sperm bank, and then use your eggs to continue artificial insemination..."

"Do not……"

Si Yu backed away in a daze, hearing her mother's words broke her body and mind, she shed tears, raised her head and screamed: "No, this is impossible!"

"Xiaoyu!" Looking at her daughter's loss of control, Mother Si's heart ached. If she hadn't made this wrong move at the beginning, she wouldn't have caused so many troubles now.

Si Yu was dizzy in front of her eyes, she fell down on the sofa, covered her head with her hands, and felt a heart-piercing pain, "Um..."

Seeing her daughter's expression was not right, Mother Si was shocked. With trembling hands, she took out the medicine and poured it into her daughter's mouth in a hurry: "Xiaoyu, don't get excited, it's all because of my mother! Don't hurt yourself!"

Si Yu swallowed the pill, and the pain in her head gradually subsided. Her face was pale, and her heart was full of despair: "Mom, are you trying to kill me?"

Mother Si burst into tears, reached out to hold her daughter's hand, and cried, "My child, mother only wants you to live. In this world, only the mother who gave birth to you and raised you is the one who loves you the most!"

Looking at the tears on her mother's face, Si Yu had mixed feelings, and couldn't tell what was in her heart. She slowly threw herself into her mother's arms, sobbing and whispering: "Mom, what should I do?"

At this moment, Mama Si was full of obscurity, unable to speak out because of the pain, she could only hug her daughter tightly, and the mother and daughter cried together.

The morning sun was slightly dew, and the fiery sun penetrated the clouds and shone on the earth.In the conference room on the top floor of Huo's Group Building, a high-level regular meeting is being held.

At the group's regular meeting, Leng Luo was sitting at a long desk, his introverted eyes stared straight at a certain point in front of him, without focus for a long time.Until the end of the meeting, he was still staring at the front in a daze, his handsome face was gloomy.

A figure walked by, Leng Zhuo keenly sensed that someone was approaching, and immediately restrained his complicated thoughts.He raised his head, only to see Huo Shaonan sitting opposite him bent over.

Throwing the morning newspaper in his hand in front of him, Huo Shaonan's face was gloomy, and there was a bitter breath between his brows: "You won't even let her father go?"

Leng Yan glanced at the newspaper with raised eyebrows, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, and he looked at him sharply: "Huo Shaonan, mind your own affairs, her affairs have nothing to do with you!"

Huo Shaonan smiled coldly, staring at his gloomy face, his thin lips moved slightly, and the expression in his eyes was full of darkness: "You hurt her like this, one day I will help her get it all back! Leng Zhuo, I have to Come on, don’t even think about it!”

After saying this, Huo Shaonan stood up calmly, never looked at him again, and walked out of the meeting room without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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