Chapter 263

Not long after, Leng Zhuo took out the ointment and applied it to her, put her on the pillow, and hugged her in his arms: "Is it better?"

His series of actions made Mo Wan blush and her heart beat. She blushed, said "um" in a muffled voice, and hid in his arms, unable to speak again.

Looking down at her shy face, I feel warm and peaceful in my heart.But thinking of his loss of control last night, a dark annoyance flashed across his brows.Every time, as long as he meets her, his self-control will always get out of control!
Holding her in his arms distressedly, Leng Zhuo reached out to turn off the bedside lamp, kissed her forehead, and said softly: "Go to sleep." He hugged the person in his arms gently with a gentle expression, and the two closed their doors together. Eye.

Half asleep and half awake, Mo Wan seemed to hear the vibrating sound of his mobile phone, and then the movement of him standing up in surprise.Mo Wan was originally pillowed in his arms, with her eyes closed comfortably. She didn't want to open them, she just waited for him to finish talking on the phone and go back to sleep.

But the man beside him suddenly sat up and even touched her. Mo Wan hesitated for a few seconds, then suddenly realized that something was wrong, and immediately opened his eyes. Sure enough, he saw the man beside him hung up the phone with a tense expression.

"What's the matter?" Seeing his dull gaze, Mo Wan immediately sat up, cupped his face with her hands, and looked into his eyes.Face to face with him, she realized that his eyes were bright red.

With a thump in her heart, Mo Wan's face changed drastically, her brows were tightly furrowed, and her voice was urgent: "Tell me, what happened?"

Leng Zhuo's deep eyes moved, and the bloodthirsty violence in his eyes burst out: "Something happened at home."

Hearing this, Mo Wan's dark Jian pupils suddenly dimmed, and she understood that the family he was talking about was referring to the Leng family.

In the middle of the night, Leng Zhuo packed up his things and left, and rushed to Australia by helicopter.Although he didn't say what happened at home, but from his furrowed brows, Mo Wan could conclude that something serious must have happened!

In the huge bedroom, she was alone, lying on the huge double bed, her petite figure looked cold.Looking out of the window, Mo Wan's jet-black pupils stared straight at the night sky until the sky gradually turned white and the sun rose in the east.

Opening her eyes until dawn, Mo Wan didn't feel sleepy anymore, she lifted the quilt and got out of bed, and went to wash herself.After tidying herself up, she went to the kitchen to make breakfast without waiting for the hourly worker to come over.

After breakfast, Mo Wan packed her purse and opened the door to see two bodyguards in black standing outside.The faces of these two people are not unfamiliar, they are people from the villa before.

Her face changed slightly, something flashed in Mo Wan's eyes, but she didn't show it, she just nodded at them, and then walked out the door.It turned out that when he left last night, he had already arranged for someone.

The black car was abnormally closed, and the front, rear, left, and right glass were particularly black, as if it had been refitted.Sitting in the carriage, Mo Wan felt particularly depressed. She didn't like the feeling of being watched, but it was a condition for her to go out, so she had to obey.

The car turned at the intersection ahead, and when Mo Wan saw the pharmacy on the side of the road, she told the driver to stop.She opened the car door and got out of the car. A bodyguard followed her out of the car, but she was ordered to wait outside, while she walked into the pharmacy quickly.

After buying the post-event medicine and contraceptive pills from the pharmacy, Mo Wan's expression was calm, without the panic and shyness of buying medicine for the first time.She absolutely cannot allow herself to make the same mistake twice!
Pulling out the white pill, Mo Wan swallowed it wholeheartedly, without drinking water, letting the bitterness of the pill slide down her throat, reaching the bottom of her heart.She clenched the white pill bottle in her hand, put the contraceptive pill in her purse, turned and walked out.

The driver drove the car to the Tia Building, and Mo Wan took the elevator directly to the office area. When the colleagues around her saw her coming, they all gave her sympathetic looks, and some even came forward to greet her.

For everyone's concern, Mo Wan laughed it off without explaining too much.She walked to her desk, packed up everything, quickly typed out a resignation report, and walked into the president's office with the folder.

Pushing open the door of the CEO's office, the man sitting directly opposite, with bright eyes, seemed to be waiting for her to come in.

Looking into his deep eyes, Mo Wan couldn't help being stunned, her eyes slid over his right leg, her face was quite surprised: "Your leg?"

Seeing the astonishment on her face, Jing Chen smiled slightly and said in a low voice, "There was a little accident."

Seeing that he seemed to be hiding something intentionally, Mo Wan just smiled lightly, and didn't intend to ask any further. She walked forward to the desk, opened the folder in her hand, and put it on his desk: "President, this is my resignation." letter."

Jingchen raised his hand to pick up the folder and looked at it. Something flashed in his eyes. He raised his eyebrows and looked at her with a faint smile on his mouth: "Have you decided? Did someone force you?"

Seeing the sharpness in his eyes, Mo Wan's expression changed, she calmed down the strangeness in her heart, and said with a calm expression: "It's my own decision!"

Regarding her answer, Jing Chen's eyes obviously darkened, and a deep loss flashed through his heart.Her deliberate concealment clearly widened the distance between them, and she was even unwilling to tell the truth.

"Mo Wan, you didn't regard me as a friend!" Jing Chen threw away the resignation letter in his hand, frowning tightly.

Hearing his words, Mo Wan's eyes dimmed, the corners of her mouth curled slightly, and her tone was full of helplessness: "No, it's because I regard you as a friend, so I don't want to say anything more! Some things are my own business, and I need to I will solve it myself!"

"You solve it alone?" Jing Chen's face sank, he stretched out his hand to support the table and stood up, his right leg was covered with plaster, and he was unable to move, so he could only move around her in small steps, "I can help you."

His eyes were bright, with a hint of evil floating faintly. Mo Wan stared at his introverted eyes and smiled softly: "Jing Chen, thank you! But I don't want to fall into another gorgeous cage, I just want A peaceful and comfortable life, do you understand?"

Jing Chen's heart was suffocated, and an indescribable emotion surged up. He moved his lips, but he didn't speak, but his eyes darkened when he looked at her.

(End of this chapter)

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