Chapter 264

Picking up the resignation report on the table, Mo Wan held it in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "Actually, you are not bad, but you haven't met anyone who can make you willing to wait for her!"

"Is there really such a person?" Jing Chen smiled lowly, hooked his thin lips, and a complex expression appeared on his handsome face.

Seeing his blank eyes, Mo Wan couldn't help laughing, she nodded affirmatively, and said in a deep voice: "There must be." As soon as the words fell, the sparkle in her eyes dimmed again, but I don't know, he Is the person you meet happy or sad?
Stopping here, Jingchen knew very well that it would be useless to say more, and he couldn't reveal too much of his current position. Picking up the pen on the table, he signed his name forcefully, "Mo Wan, remember you In other words, we are friends, so I can care about you!"

Seeing the calm smile in his eyes, Mo Wan laughed immediately, she nodded slightly, then turned and walked out.The moment she turned around, her face changed drastically, and a trace of loneliness slipped from the corner of her eyes. Now she just wants to protect everyone around her from any harm because of herself!
After completing the resignation procedures, Mo Wan's depressed mood seemed to be relieved. She called Su Xiaoxiao, and the two made an appointment to meet at the restaurant.When seeing her, Su Xiaoxiao couldn't help tearing up, hugging her for a long time to comfort her.

Fortunately, Mo Wan's face was always calm. Instead, she held a tissue in her hand and kept wiping Su Xiaoxiao's tears.Sometimes, when she becomes strong and indifferent, her heart can really be as hard as a rock.

"Wanwan..." Su Xiaoxiao sniffed, her eyes were red, "Are you with him again?"

Mo Wan knew who the "he" she was referring to was, and she didn't intend to hide it: "Yes, I live in Half Moon Bay now."

Heaving a sigh of relief, Su Xiaoxiao blinked her eyes and stared at her face, carefully distinguishing her overly calm face, the expression on her face changed a few times: "Mo Wan, you are not in the right state!"

Her words made Mo Wan laugh, she raised her head, her gaze was like a torch: "Xiaoxiao, do you know how to read people's faces?"

Su Xiaoxiao was taken aback for a moment, and after seeing the mischievous smile in her eyes, he immediately retorted dissatisfiedly: "Nonsense, my mother is a reporter!"

Resisting the smile on the corner of her mouth, Mo Wan nodded vigorously, stretched out her hand to pinch her swollen face, and said, "Yes, you are very great...a reporter from the entertainment section!"

Su Xiaoxiao was furious, and stretched out his hand to tickle her, and the two of them collapsed on the large sofa in the restaurant and made a fuss, attracting the attention of the guests around them.Sensing everyone's gaze, Mo Wan reached out to grab her and stop her from making trouble.

"Wanwan," Su Xiaoxiao ate a strawberry cake with a fork in his hand, and looked at her with a puzzled face: "You seem to be fine, but how do I are hurt more seriously ?”

The fingers holding the fork tightened tightly. Mo Wan lowered her head and did not look at Su Xiaoxiao's face. She put the cake into her mouth and chewed silently, but a dark light flashed in her black eyes.

It turned out that she didn't hide it well, even Su Xiaoxiao could tell it, so she must not be able to hide it from that man?It turned out that he had noticed it a long time ago, but he played games with her again?Trying out the game?

The corners of Mo Wan's mouth curled up slightly, and she couldn't help but sneer, but she just wanted to play with him this time, since he didn't point it out, then she wanted to see where his bottom line was for her?
Not long after, Mo Wan suppressed the abnormality in her heart, raised her head and asked Su Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, what happened at home?"

Hearing her question, the depths of Su Xiaoxiao's eyes dimmed. She frowned and said with a bitter face, "I really don't know this time. Leng Yi refuses to say anything, but he is busy until late at night every day." Go home, and his face is so scary!"

Leng Zhuo rushed to Australia, but Leng Yi didn't accompany him, but stayed behind to host the group, and now even he kept his mouth shut, so it can be seen that this matter is not trivial?But okay, why would anyone want to attack the Leng family?Is this incident aimed at the Leng family, or is it aimed at him?
If it was aimed at him, then who would dare to make such a bold and blatant move?Thinking of this, Mo Wanqing couldn't help but think of the incident when she was attacked last time. She usually has no grudges with others, so how could she cause trouble?Although she didn't ask any questions afterwards, she could intuitively feel that the matter was not simple!
Seeing her stunned, Su Xiaoxiao shook her head, she stretched out her hand to hold Mo Wan's arm, with a smile on her face: "Wanwan, there is a party on Friday, you go too! Those people, I am alone I don't know each other, but with you here, we can talk."

Mo Wan withdrew her guess from the bottom of her heart, seeing Su Xiaoxiao's pitiful little face, couldn't help but soften her heart, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll accompany you." Now that Leng Zhuo is not here, she has nothing to do, so she stays in the room all day long. That house would drive people crazy!
"Yeah!" Seeing Mo Wan agreeing, Su Xiaoxiao laughed happily, put her arms around her neck and kissed her, but then she thought of something, and her face darkened again: "But Si Yu will go too, if you have a Prepare your mind!"

"What are you preparing for?" Mo Wan smiled slightly, and asked Su Xiaoxiao with her head turned sideways. Although her face was calm, something still flashed in her heart.

Seeing her indifferent expression, Su Xiaoxiao raised her head in dissatisfaction, slapped her on the top of the head, and said sharply: "Mo Wan, you are stupid, she stole your man!"

"Hehe..." She lowered her head and took a sip of her drink. A cold light flashed in Mo Wan's eyes. She just smiled and remained silent.Rob?Who stole whose man?
Half Moon Bay at night is quiet and safe. Standing on the large balcony, you can see the moon hanging in the night sky when you raise your head, which makes people have the illusion that it is within reach.

Mo Wan stood here in her pajamas, looking at the dark starry sky, slightly lost in thought.Touching the railing of the balcony with her fingers, her moist eyes moved. She still remembered that time when she was hanged outside the balcony by a clothes belt in the cold, the terrified scene.

The moon that night seemed to be so round and so bright. Her thin body was hanging outside the railing, and there was a bottomless abyss under her feet. Her helpless pleading and humble posture were like a pug wagging its tail, just waiting The owner's facility, or his good-humoured teasing.

(End of this chapter)

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