Chapter 327

"Hehe..." Thinking of this, Mo Wan immediately smiled ingratiatingly, "Honey, just tell me what you want to eat. Don't go into the kitchen on such a hot day."

Hearing this, Leng Zhuo raised his hand to touch his chin, his deep eyes flickered, he picked her up, and strode towards the bedroom, "You're right, the bedroom is cooler!"


Mo Wan let out a scream, and was thrown onto the huge double bed by him, unable to struggle, and was subdued by him in a few moments, and he began to love her fiercely.

When her whole body was weak, Mo Wan thought angrily, this man's black belly is insidious and cunning, she is obviously careful, but she still can't get rid of his clutches!
Huo Shaonan drove back to the villa, parked the car, and got out of the car with a tired expression. He was about to take a step, but saw a light inside the villa, which suddenly lit up his dull face.

He hurriedly opened the door, and walked in quickly. Sure enough, he saw a familiar figure sitting on the sofa in the living room.

"Yueyue, are you back?" Huo Shaonan saw the person sitting on the sofa, walked over with a smile on his face, and sat down beside her, "Have you eaten yet?"

Jing Yue withdrew the hand held by him, her eyes were cold, and the expression on her face was also indifferent, showing contempt for happiness and anger.She reached out and pushed the thing in front of her, and said in a deep voice, "I've signed it, and I hope you can sign it as soon as possible."

Looking at the divorce agreement she pushed over, Huo Shaonan's complexion changed, and his gentle eyes sparked with anger: "I don't want a divorce!"

As if he had expected him to say this, Jing Yue just curled her lips and smiled, her voice was calm, "I don't want anything about the family property. If you have any questions, you can contact a lawyer directly." After she finished speaking, she Standing up from the sofa, he picked up the suitcase that he had already packed, and turned around to leave.

"Jingyue!" Huo Shaonan stood up and called her, his handsome face tensed instantly: "I won't get a divorce!"

Holding the trolley of the suitcase in her hand, Jing Yue turned her back to him and didn't turn her head. Her expression was serene, and her tone was also very calm, "Whatever you want, anyway, as long as you have been separated for two years, the court will naturally rule for divorce!"

After saying these words, Jing Yue walked forward without looking back, and Xiao Se's figure quickly walked out, gradually disappearing.

Reaching out to untie the tie around his neck, Huo Shaonan punched hard on the back of the sofa, turned around with a cold face, and walked into the bedroom.

On the big bed in the bedroom, there were still clothes bought from the baby store last time. Huo Shaonan walked over slowly, bent over and sat in front of the bed, stretched out his hand, picked up the baby shoes scattered on the bed, and put them in the palm of his hand Zhong watched quietly for a long time.

"Shaonan, the baby can move! Hurry up and touch it..."

Her voice suddenly sounded in his ear, Huo Shaonan was alert, he turned his head to look at the empty bedroom, his heart tightened up and down, with a kind of breathless depression.

After a long time, he arranged the baby's small clothes one by one, got up and went to the living room, took out a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet, leaned over on the sofa, and drank it with his head raised.

In a short time, scattered wine bottles were scattered on the ground. He was lying on the sofa, and his mind began to slacken.Gradually, a figure seemed to appear in front of his eyes, bent down to look at him, and gently said: "Shao Nan, why are you drunk? Don't drink so much, it's bad for your health!"


Huo Shaonan hastily stretched out his hand, wanting to hug him into his arms, but looking at the empty arm, all he could touch was the warm air.Slumped back on the sofa, he raised his hand to cover his eyes without moving.After a long time, his tense shoulders trembled slightly...

After receiving Jing Yue's call, Mo Wan felt a little surprised, and at the same time had a vague premonition in her heart, so she didn't dare to delay, and came to the coffee shop to meet at the agreed time.

A coffee shop with an elegant environment, near the window, with a good view.

Pushing open the glass door of the coffee shop, Mo Wan strode in. It was not peak hour and there were not many customers in the shop. She saw Jing Yue sitting by the window at a glance.

"Have you been here for a long time?" Mo Wan quickly walked up to her and sat down in front of her, her tone gentle.

Hearing her voice, Jing Yue raised her head with a smile, but the smile on her face was a little pale, "No, I was the one who arrived early."

After ordering something delicious to drink, Mo Wan carefully scrutinized her complexion. Seeing that her face was still pale, she couldn't help feeling distressed: "Yueyue, how is your recovery?"

Jing Yue lowered her head and stirred the coffee in the cup, forced a smile, and said, "It's okay."

Seeing her downcast, Mo Wan didn't dare to bring up the sad matter, so she could only change the topic: "Is there something you want to do with me?"

"I'm leaving here, I want to see you before I leave, and I have something to say to you." Jing Yue raised her head, and her moist eyes were clear.

Mo Wan's heart sank, she hurriedly grabbed her hand, and asked anxiously, "Where are you going? When are you leaving?"

"The plane is an hour later." Jing Yue's face was calm, and her tone was light, "Jing's has a charity rescue project, and I want to be responsible for helping those homeless children."

"Yueyue!" Mo Wan couldn't bear it, seeing her sad face made her very uncomfortable.She has also experienced the pain of losing a child before, so she understands her mood at this time.

"I'm fine." Jing Yue smiled lightly, but her eyes suddenly turned red, "During this time, I've been thinking, is it because I did something to hurt others that I couldn't keep the child... ..." Her voice was choked with sobs, and she was so sad that she couldn't speak.

Seeing her appearance, Mo Wan sighed silently, her heart was heavy and uncomfortable, she had a feeling in her heart, and she could feel the pain in Jing Yue's heart even more.The pain of watching her own flesh and blood flow from her body is so heartbreaking, she will never forget it!
Jing Yue sniffed her nose hard to force back the tears in her eyes. She took a breath and said in a deep voice, "Wan Wan, what happened last time was because I was sorry for you. It was my fault when you got divorced! Don't blame me, okay?"

Mo Wan understood that what she was talking about was the matter of stealing the laptop, but she didn't expect that Jing Yue had always kept this matter in her heart. Now that she thought about it, she really didn't feel anything, let alone blame it!

(End of this chapter)

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