Chapter 328

Reaching out to hold her cool hand, Mo Wan's face became silent, and she said softly: "Yueyue, I never blamed you, really not!"

Hearing this, Jing Yue raised her head slowly, looked at her black pupils, and smiled at the corner of her mouth: "Thank you."

Looking at the bright and charming Mo Wan in front of her, Jing Yue's heart suddenly brightened, and the depression that had been suppressed for a long time dissipated.Such a beautiful and kind girl, if she were a man, he would also like her, so why bother?

"Yueyue," seeing her dazed for a moment, Mo Wan's face darkened, and he tentatively asked, "Does Shaonan know about your leaving?"

Jing Yue lowered her head, hiding all the emotions in her eyes, "I didn't tell him!" After a pause, she added: "There is no need to tell him."

What she said made Mo Wan's heart tremble, and she immediately understood, "I think Shaonan feels bad about this matter, and he didn't mean it either."

A trace of deep sorrow flashed across her pale cheeks, Jing Yue pursed her lips, and then murmured in a low voice: "It's not his fault alone, so I can't forgive myself either!"

Mo Wan's heart twitched, looking at her deep self-blame, with mixed feelings in her heart, she was speechless for a while.

Not long after, Jing Yue glanced at her watch, and hurriedly stood up to say goodbye: "Wanwan, I'm leaving, take care of yourself."

Knowing that she couldn't be stopped, Mo Wan's eyes turned sore, she stood up and hugged Jing Yue, and whispered in her ear, "We'll wait for you to come back."

Jing Yue nodded, turned around with a smile on her lips, and strode out of the coffee shop.

Mo Wan's expression was still sad when she saw her get in the car and leave. She hesitated for a while, then took out her mobile phone and called Huo Shaonan decisively.

In the noisy lobby of the airport.

Jing Chen took care of the front and back, and after helping Jing Yue to complete the check-in procedures, he pulled her to stand in the corner, and finally told: "When you get there, contact us immediately, you know?"

Holding the passport in her hand, Jing Yue lowered her head and nodded vigorously, her eyes were red and swollen: "Third uncle, grandpa is getting old, please help me take good care of him in the future!"

Jing Chen stretched out his hand to rub her head, and his handsome face was stained with a smile: "Don't worry, that's my uncle, I'll take care of it naturally. But, don't try to put all the responsibility on me, go home early !"

Stretching out her hand to cover her mouth, Jing Yue's suppressed tears rolled down, she nodded vigorously, and could no longer speak.

Looking at her like this, Jing Chen felt uncomfortable. Although Jing Yue called him third uncle, in his heart, the little girl in front of him was more like his sister.

"Okay, let's go in!" Not wanting to see her cry, Jing Chen smiled and urged her to board the plane.

Containing the tears on her face, Jing Yue looked up at him, turned around slowly, and walked towards the boarding gate, but when she was about to step in, she turned back suddenly and ran to Jing Chen.

"What's the matter?" Seeing her running back suddenly, Jing Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then thought of something, his face darkened instantly.

Jing Yue stood in front of his eyes, raised her red eyes, bit her lips tightly and hesitated for a long time, and finally said, "Third Uncle, don't make things difficult for him!"

Sure enough, it was because of him, Jing Chen sighed dejectedly, seeing her tears blurred from crying, his tense face finally eased: "You silly girl!"

Reaching out for a handkerchief, Jing Chen wiped away the tears on her face, and said in a deep voice, "I understand." He only said this, but it made Jing Yue feel at ease instantly.

Looking at her figure walking into the boarding gate, Jing Chen's frowning relaxed, maybe this is good, and we can give each other a chance!He turned around and walked outside, his sharp eyes saw Huo Shaonan rushing in in a hurry.

Seeing his disheveled clothes and wandering around, the anger in Jing Chen's heart also gradually dissipated.There are too many confusing things in this world, no one can allow others to make mistakes, if that mistake can be redeemed, that is a good thing!
The plane will take off soon, and the beautiful flight attendant reminds me to fasten the seat belt with a gentle smile.Jing Yue put away her belongings, sat down and fastened her seat belt. She glanced inadvertently, but saw a familiar figure appearing on the runway outside.


Although separated by a heavy window, Jing Yue seemed to have really heard his shout. She tightened her five fingers suddenly, and grabbed the armrest of the chair with all her strength, her face full of disappointment.

Huo Shaonan was in a hurry, looking at the planes flying high in front of him, but he didn't know where the person he was looking for was?He ran around like crazy, grabbed people when he saw them, and the airport staff ran to stop him, but he pushed them away vigorously.

"Yueyue, come back, don't go..."

Huo Shaonan stood there weakly, he murmured softly, his gentle eyes were filled with mist, which blurred his vision.

The tensed body slowly relaxed, Jing Yue leaned her head against the window, and through the narrow window, stared at his bewildered back.Raising her hand lightly, she still wore the platinum wedding ring in the ring finger of her right hand.

When she first got married, she didn't choose bright diamonds, but only chose unpretentious platinum. She hoped that her love would be like this ring, which would last forever without dazzling light.

This marriage exhausted her physically and mentally, and the loss of her child took away her last hope.It's not that she doesn't love, it's just that she doesn't know how to continue loving?She didn't hate, but she also lost the strength to forgive.

Caressing the ring with her fingertips, Jing Yue's face was calm, her moist eyes were crystal clear, she raised her hand to outline the familiar figure, and whispered to herself: Huo Shaonan, this time, I don't have the strength to forgive you.If we still have fate...

If there is fate...

The white plane took off from the runway and soared in the blue sky and white clouds in an instant.

A black car drove towards the villa halfway up the mountain, Mo Wan looked at his watch, thinking that at this time, Jingyue's plane should have taken off, and wondered if Huo Shaonan left her behind?

(End of this chapter)

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