Mad Owl Queen, drag it to the sky!

Chapter 276 What's the point?

Chapter 276 What's the point?
Jun Li successfully kicked the pavilion tonight and completed the task. He will be able to leave the country tomorrow, and the wind will be extremely cold when he returns...

Although the original plan of the program group was to record in the United States for a few days, after all, at the beginning, no one thought that everyone would be able to successfully kick the club on the first day of arrival. Originally, I thought about giving the artists a few more days , The kick was unsuccessful on the first day, and continued on the second day.

But they completed the program tasks ahead of schedule, so they can stay in the United States for the remaining few days to have fun.

As for Jun Li, she has spent a lot of time in the country of America in her previous life, so she knows this place well. It has no attraction for her, and even if it is, she does not plan to stay.

Because no place is as attractive to Jun Li as the extremely cold wind.

She will go back tomorrow...

Not long after, the man in the suit entered the lounge, and he said to Jun Li, "It's been arranged, you can come with me now."

"Can we follow?" Yang Wenshu asked.

The man in the suit nodded, "Okay, come with me."

Afterwards, everyone left the lounge and went to the competition venue.

At the entrance of the arena, there is a bifurcation, the left leads to the stage, and the right leads to the front row of the auditorium.

The man in the suit pointed to the aisle on the right, and said to Yang Wenshu and the others, "Go and sit over there. As for... your name is Jun Li, right? Come on stage with me."

"Jun Li..." Xiao Shiying and Yang Wenshu called out worriedly.

Jun Li smiled at them, and gave them a calm look.

Then, Jun Li and the man in the suit walked through the passage on the left and boarded the ring...

When Jun Li came on stage, another contestant was already standing on the stage, a man who was nearly three times taller than Jun Li. The man in the suit brought her up and went down.

In addition to another player on the field, there is also a referee.

The referee also looked at Jun Li in surprise, and said, "This little brother from the Dragon Kingdom is our opponent of Inpel in this match—Jun Li!"

Hearing the referee's words, another contestant on the stage showed an extremely contemptuous expression, as if he looked down on Jun Li very much, and even felt that punching her was an insult to himself.

The audience at the scene couldn't help but boil up...

"What?! That little one is Impair's opponent? Then what's the point of this match?"

"Imperial's arms are thicker than his thighs! What's the point of hitting? Imperpel can easily be slapped to death by him!"

"It's boring, I already know the result before it even started! Impel must have killed that Dragon Kingdom man!"

"It is estimated that the beginning of this game is the end, so let's start quickly! Then we can proceed to the next game!"

"I really don't know where that weak Dragon Countryman got the courage to step up to the ring of the black boxing arena! Could it be that he has lived enough? He came here on purpose to seek death?"

"It's possible. If he didn't seek death on purpose, he would be too self-sufficient! Impel can teach him to be a man with a single slap! Let him realize how much he weighs!"

Faced with everyone's doubts, Jun Li asked the referee calmly, "Can I bet on myself to win?"

In the black boxing arena, you can bet on who will win. Jun Li wants to pressure herself to win. Now almost no one is optimistic about her. Judging from her current odds, pressure herself to win. When she really wins, the principal can be doubled. Hundreds of times...

(End of this chapter)

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