Mad Owl Queen, drag it to the sky!

Chapter 277 I Will Press Myself to Win

Chapter 277 I Will Press Myself to Win
Hearing Jun Li's question, the referee froze for a moment, "Press yourself to win? Of course you can press yourself to win..."

The referee hesitated to speak, although he could pressure himself to win, but... could Jun Li win?There's no need for her to press herself.

But the referee didn't say much. After all, Jun Li was willing to do this, and it had nothing to do with him.

Speakers were installed in the arena, so the conversation between Jun Li and the referee was heard by everyone present.

There was a burst of mocking Jun Li in the auditorium...

"What did that boy from the Dragon Kingdom just say? Still pressing himself to win? He is so confident!"

"I'm really curious, who gave him the confidence to make him so confident that he can win?"

"I've never seen such an overestimated person! Boy from Longguo! I advise you not to trust yourself too much! Hahaha!"

"I guess he will be instantly killed by Impel at the start of the duel!"

"Isn't this nonsense? This duel can end in a few seconds at the fastest!"

On the stage, there was a mocking arc on his lips, and he looked at Jun Li with a contemptuous expression, as if he looked down on her.

Jun Li didn't even look at him, but walked to the edge of the ring and said to Lin Jin and the others: "How much money can we get together now? Lend it to me first."

Several people took out all the money, Lin Jin walked over with the money, made a rough calculation, and replied: "I spent a little on the meal before, but then Jinxian and the others made a lot of money in the bar, now add more money. Get up, there are almost [-] rice coins."

At the edge of the ring, Lin Jin handed the money to Jun Li.

"Thank you." She took the money, and Lin Jin returned to his seat.

Jun Li looked at the man in the suit standing under the ring, and handed over the money, "I will pressure myself to win all the money."

"..." The man in the suit took the money and nodded, "I understand."

He didn't show much on his face, but he felt extremely funny in his heart. It seems that Jun Li is not only here to give away the head, but also to give away money...

Seeing this scene, the laughter in the auditorium also became louder...

"This boy from the Dragon Kingdom is really rich! Take [-] for nothing! Hahaha!"

"There's something really wrong with this kid's head. Not only did he come to die, but he also came to give money... Hahaha! What a rare little fool!"

"Are you ready? Don't waste time, let's get started!" At this moment, Impair on the ring spoke impatiently.

In his opinion, Jun Li is just a clown, it's not worth his time to waste, it's better to fight quickly and rest.

The referee looked at Jun Li, "Then please take your place now."

Jun Li and Inpel stood face to face in the center of the ring, and the referee stood beside them.

The atmosphere of the audience suddenly became heated.

Everyone in the auditorium was cheering and booing, waiting to see how Impel would instantly kill Jun Li.

Lin Jin and the others also looked at the ring nervously, a little worried about Jun Li...

The referee raised his hand and waved it down again, which means the start of the duel...

In the next second, Imperial raised his leg and kicked it.

Although in general boxing matches, it is not allowed to attack with feet, but this is not an ordinary boxing match, and it does not follow the rules.

Although black boxing is named after the word boxing, its real meaning is a life-or-death fight. The fighters don't wear any protective measures, and they can also attack with their legs.

Seeing that Yin Paier kicked her legs as soon as she came up, everyone expected Jun Li's fate in their hearts. She should be kicked directly off the ring by this kick...

(End of this chapter)

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