Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 128 Wen Qing, You Are Really Hainachuan, Unique

Chapter 128 Wen Qing, You Are Really Inclusive and Unique
She asked him that night. He was angry at the time and didn't admit it directly, but he didn't deny it either.

And the last time I saw Song Yeshu and Feng Siwei in the hospital, they seemed to know him very well.

It's just that the media has never heard of this.

If it is true, Huo Ziyan's surname is not Song, then it is very likely that he followed his mother's surname.

Although sometimes it is normal for one's children to take their mother's surname in order to express their love for their wives, it's just that traditional powerful military and political families like the Song family should not be allowed.

What's more, although it is not obvious, Huo Ziyan also faintly feels that Huo Ziyan has an innate sense of alienation from the Song family.

It must have something to do with his life experience.

It's just that the media has never reported about his family. It seems that this man was born in the past two years and stood tall in the business world of the imperial capital.

But from Ding Yuyu's tone a few days ago, it was no secret that Song Chong was his grandfather, even though she knew it because her father was acquainted with the Song family.

Well, since it is not a secret and has not been exposed by gossip media, someone must have controlled public opinion in this regard.

It is obvious that Tang Boxing just controls the right to speak in the media.

Everyone has hidden secrets that are difficult to reveal to outsiders, and so does she herself!So she didn't want to ask about his privacy.

What's more, Wen Qing thinks that her current relationship with Huo Ziyan is not enough to share secrets with each other.

So I quickly changed the subject.

After breakfast, Wen Qing took Yin Chang to the bedroom.

Before his butt warmed up, Huo Ziyan took two glasses of fruit juice and put them on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

Yin Chang was flattered, "Thank you!"

"Miss Yin, you're welcome. I'm going to work soon. Miss Yin, move to the study and wait for a while. After I change my clothes, can you come back?"

"Oh oh oh!"

Yin Chang and Wen Qing stood up and prepared to go out together.

Huo Ziyan saw that when Wen Qing passed by him, she grabbed him by the arm, "What are you doing out there!"

"Aren't you going to change clothes?"

"Where have you not seen me, do you need to avoid it?"

Yin Chang "...", if you want to say such meaty words so brazenly, completely pretend that she doesn't exist.

Seeing Yin Chang running away, Wen Qing's face was flushed red, but she was more angry, and she knocked off the hand that grabbed her arm, "You don't feel like a hooligan for a moment, don't you feel uncomfortable! Yin Chang is my good friend , can you respect her..., no, can you respect me?"

Huo Ziyan's face, which was still teasing, slowly tightened, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes staring at Wen Qing gradually turned cold, "I don't respect you? Then who do you think respects you more, Su Yichen?"

"Huo Ziyan, you have to compare everything with Su Yichen, so let me tell you, no matter whether he loves me or not, at least he is indeed better than you in dealing with people and things!"

"He is better than me in everything, so how can I sleep with you, not him! I was sleeping in my bed yesterday, but today I think of him, Wen Qing, you are truly inclusive and unique!"

Wen Qing's face turned white with anger, the man's humiliating words were like steel nails piercing her heart, the pain was so severe, without thinking, he raised his hand and slapped the man's face.


A loud noise shook the entire room, the man's jaw tightened even more, his face was extremely ugly, as if he was about to explode, but he tried his best to bear it.

If it was any moment 10 minutes ago, Wen Qing would feel scared when she saw Huo Ziyan like this, but at this moment, she didn't feel a trace of fear, and her voice was full of anger.

(End of this chapter)

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