Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 129 The sound is not deafening, but it cannot be ignored by people

Chapter 129 The sound is not deafening, but it cannot be ignored by people
"Yes, you are right. My biggest mistake was that I didn't climb into Su Yichen's bed before, so I was not only dumped by him, but also ridiculed by you today! Huo Ziyan, I don't know if you had a girlfriend before, but I Let me tell you, Su Yichen is with me, even though he doesn't love me, he absolutely respects me, even if he doesn't want me in the end, I won't hate him! But you, believe me, as long as you are a woman who has been with you before, even No matter how rich and powerful you are, you will not love you sincerely, and even if you die, you will not mourn for people like you!"

After Wen Qing finished venting, the room suddenly became abnormally quiet, only the woman was still breathing.

Huo Ziyan's expression suddenly became abnormally calm, but it seemed that there was a huge turmoil hidden behind the calm, he just quietly stared at Wen Qing who was still calming down his anger, looking at her, it seemed that he was not looking at her , but looking through her at a place that seemed far away.

The phrase [Trust me, as long as a woman who has been with you before, no matter how powerful you are, she will not love you sincerely, and even if you die, she will not mourn for you. ! 】

Huo Ziyan laughed suddenly, and pinched Wen Qing's chin with her fingers. The man's hand strength was already strong, but at this time he increased his strength even more, causing her to burst into tears in pain. He stared angrily at the man in front of him with a hint of sarcasm but more like a self-deprecating smile.

"Maybe what you said is true, but the problem is, I won't die, so it doesn't matter if anyone mourns for me! And you can only be forced to be with me, who gives me power! Of course Su Yichen is also rich and powerful, but unfortunately, he doesn't want you!"

Slowly let go of the fingers pinching the woman's chin, ignored the woman's blue and red complexion, walked to the closet, quickly changed into the clothes for going out, the man walked past her, paused, "Wen Qing, if you become my woman, don't even think about eating from the bowl and looking into the pot, and get out of the way. I am a very narrow-minded person, and you are not allowed to get involved with any man in any form in the future, understand?"

The woman didn't make a sound for a long time, and didn't look at him. The man smiled and lowered his head close to his ear. The scorching breath just invaded the woman's skin, but it made people feel a bit cold, "Answer me! You Even if you don’t take care of yourself, you have to take care of your father in the hospital, right?”

Huo Ziyan's threatening voice rang in the woman's ear so quietly, Wen Qing bit her lips, she had never thought of this before, but now she was asked to agree in this way, and the humiliation in her heart The feeling was even worse, but the words of father made her have to obey this man.

"I see!"

After getting the woman's answer, the man didn't stay any longer, he just walked out of the bedroom and closed the door with his hand.

The sound wasn't deafening, but it couldn't make people ignore the heavy sound.

After a while, Yin Chang opened the bedroom door and walked in. Looking at Wen Qing who was still standing there motionless, he asked tentatively, "Qingqing, what's the matter, I think he seems to be in a bad mood Go down, did you quarrel?"

That goes without saying.

Wen Qing didn't make a sound, and didn't know how to explain to Yin Chang.

Everything was going well in the morning, Yin Chang came, and Huo Ziyan entertained her with her. He is a modest and polite son, completely different from his usual aloof impression.

(End of this chapter)

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