Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 130 I just didn't expect it, but on the second day the situation turned around

Chapter 130 Just Unexpectedly, The Situation Turned Surprisingly The Next Day
I don't know if it's the relationship between this man's habits and personality. He always likes to directly express some very personal and cryptic topics. It was like this when he was alone together before. He likes to tease her, and what he says is rough.

It's just that it was the same in front of Yin Chang today, but it made her feel faintly uncomfortable.

This feeling is like being teased on the table like a lady in the club. It is like this on the table, and it is even worse after coming up.

She is already his woman now, she doesn't understand why he cares about Su Yichen so much, this kind of possessive desire is inexplicable.

Whenever there is a hint of Su Yichen being mentioned, he can immediately attack her with extremely hurtful gestures, so much so that she really couldn't bear it today.

She knew that what she said today was very hurtful and excessive, but probably she was down, but not so completely down, that she really didn't know how to get along with or compromise with such a man with uncertain personality.

He was really nice to her when he was willing to pet her, but maybe she would irritate him with a word inadvertently at any time.

She didn't know if it was her own problem?

Because the love I was talking about before was an abnormal love, so I didn't adapt to such... a normal love.

Is this Huo Ziyan's posture of true love?

Even though he has to humiliate her every time he loses his temper...

But why does she think that he is such a fucking bastard!
"Qingqing, what's the matter with you?" Seeing that she didn't reply for a long time, Yin Chang asked again with concern.

"It's okay! There's a little problem!"

"But..." But why does your expression look like a big problem!

"Don't worry, I'm fine! Come and drink some juice!" Wen Qing calmed herself down, and then pulled Yin Chang to sit on the sofa.

Not long after sitting down, Yin Chang suddenly thought of something.

The voice couldn't hide the excitement, "Qingqing, you see, when I came here in the morning, I was only focused on observing the handsome guy and being attracted by gossip about your new boyfriend. I almost forgot to tell you the business!"

Wen Qing rolled her eyes silently, you just know, don't be too obvious, okay!
What Yin Chang wanted to tell her was the Weibo headlines a few days ago.

It broke out suddenly that day, and the situation was quite violent. For almost a whole day, the media hyped Wen Qing's negative news one after another. , Suddenly there was a scandal on such a large scale.

Originally, the so-called keyboard warriors and people who eat melons on the Internet have the mentality of hating the rich and despising the beautiful. Such news is naturally condemned by the public.

At the critical moment, Mr. Tang Boxing Tang was attending the awards ceremony and could not be contacted, so the coverage of the scandal snowballed.

Yin Chang felt that he was hopeless that day.

It's just that I didn't expect that the situation would reverse surprisingly the next day.

First of all, Tang Boxing of Dingguan Media accepted the media interview and clarified the negative news about Wen Qing, the new signing of Lixing Entertainment, which appeared on the Internet.

Before he spoke, a video of a suspicious person injuring a waiter in the hotel on the night of the incident appeared on the Internet.

At the same time, he said that Wen Qing has recently signed a contract with his entertainment company, and will soon be re-promoted by the company, and the way this negative news spreads will be punished by law.

(End of this chapter)

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