Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 140 The bag is too heavy, help me carry it up

Chapter 140 The bag is too heavy, help me carry it up
He didn't say anything more to Yin Chang, only said that Wen Qing would notify her when she came back, then hung up the phone.

Calling the Song family, Song Yeshu briefly told him the content of today's conversation and that Wen Qing left the tea room after three o'clock.

As time passed by, Huo Ziyan's eyes became darker and darker, his lips were pursed tightly, and his jaw was even tighter.

Could it be that she was still angry about what happened in the morning and deliberately avoided him, but in the imperial capital, her father was still in the hospital, where could she hide?

The mobile phone cannot be connected!Is something wrong...

Huo Ziyan's heart skipped half a beat, and a sense of panic arose spontaneously, and now he would rather be Wen Qing angry and deliberately avoiding him.

"You go out to find Tan Yi, but you can't find Wen Qing today, so you don't have to come back in the future!"

During the period when the man came back, Feng Zhe spent seconds like years in the oppressive atmosphere indoors. Looking at Boss's cold face that seemed to be dripping, he blamed himself for his negligence even more, so after hearing the order Just go out immediately.

As soon as she reached the door, the door was already opened from the outside. Wen Qing walked in with two bags, followed by a middle-aged man with two bags in his hands.

"Thank you, driver! Just leave the bag at the door!" Wen Qing pointed to an open space next to the shoe cabinet, "Wait a minute, I'll give you the money!"

After finishing speaking, she lowered her head and was about to look for her wallet from the big bag, but she didn't notice the complicated eyes of several people in the living room looking at her.

When I went back to the apartment to clean things up, because there were a lot of small items that were simply put into the bag, I searched for a long time, but I didn't get the wallet.

It’s probably because I seldom come to such a mansion. The whole thing that comes in from the outside of the villa is the feeling of wealth and urgency. It’s just that the low air pressure in the room makes the man standing at the door feel inexplicably timid, especially Standing in the distance, the man who was exceptionally handsome but with an extremely gloomy expression looked like an unusual person, so he didn't want to stay for a minute longer, "Miss, I still have something to do, can you help me quickly?"

Wen Qing nodded quickly, and looked for the wallet more quickly. Suddenly, the figure of the man came over. She just raised her head when she heard the man's deep voice, "How much is it?"

"no need……"

Still wanting to say something, the man's gloomy eyes just swept over, Wen Qing instantly silenced.

The driver was probably intimidated by the man's aura. After a while, he realized that he was asking him a question. He immediately reported a number, probably because he was afraid that the man would misunderstand him. He also explained where the fare was from to the villa and The lady promised a tip for bringing things up.

After getting the money, the driver left the villa immediately.

Only then did Wen Qing gradually realize that there was something wrong with the atmosphere in the room. The man looked at her increasingly gloomy eyes, as well as Feng Zhe and Li Ma's frightened expressions, "What's the matter?"

Are you still angry that you slapped him in the morning?
Yes, she was wrong, but he was the one who insulted himself first.And then threatened her!

No matter what, it can be considered nonsense, and even lost his temper!This man is so petty.

Originally, I wanted to ignore him directly, but when I thought about what he did for me today, a part of my heart suddenly softened.

Although this man took her forcibly and forced her to come to his side regardless, he was the only one who helped her and took care of her when she was surrounded by enemies.

Although she originally didn't like being with such a man whose identity, background and even temper could not be seen through, but she had already figured it out in the taxi just now, what is suitable?

When I was 18, I thought Su Yichen was suitable, but now I am with other women!
Although I don't know if Huo Ziyan's kindness will last long, but now he is the only one who treats her well, and that's enough.

In that case, get along well with him.

Trying to ignore his scorching gaze, Wen Qing saw that he didn't speak, and said again, "The bag is too heavy, help me carry it up!"

(End of this chapter)

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