Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 141 I asked you to screw me, why did you arrange him

Chapter 141 I asked you to screw me, why did you arrange him

Huo Ziyan's eyes were as black as ink, with thick flames, staring at Wen Qing's heartless look.

"Where did you go in the afternoon? I can't get through the phone!" The man's outline was tense. Although he was relieved to see the woman came back, the anxious mood just now has not completely relaxed.

Of course, Wen Qing could see that the man's face was very unhappy, so she immediately explained, "I went back to the apartment in the afternoon to pack my things, and then my phone ran out of battery!"

As he said that, as if to prove that he was not lying, he picked up the turned off phone from his pocket, and pressed the power button desperately in front of Huo Ziyan until the red indicator light was flashing on the screen, and the phone could not be turned on due to insufficient power.

"Promise to come back before dinner. If you can't come back, you should call in advance; if the phone is out of battery, you should control the time and get home early. Don't you understand the reason why so many people worry about one person's problem? !"

Wen Qing used to really think that her self-cultivation was excellent, of course that was also in the past, what is the problem now, she was also thinking, could it be that the Wen family went bankrupt, so she took her self-cultivation away.

Anyway, after much deliberation, she really didn't want to be angry at first, but now she really wanted to pick up the bag on the ground and throw it directly at the man's head.

She went back to the apartment to clean things up and was so exhausted that she stood at the door and was questioned by him when she was out of breath.

"Mr. Huo," Wen Qing really didn't want to lose her temper, especially with Feng Zhe and Li Ma watching, but no matter how patient she was, her tone would not be very good, "I didn't pay attention to the time when I went back to the apartment to clear things this afternoon. , When I got on the taxi, I found that it was almost dinner time. I wanted to make a call and found that my phone turned off automatically when it was out of battery. I wanted to call you by phone, but I didn’t memorize your phone number! I’m waiting Just go up and memorize your phone, and carry a mobile power bank with you whenever you go out, so that’s all right!”

Seeing Wen Qing's attitude, Huo Ziyan's expression became even more gloomy.

In fact, he also knew that he couldn't completely blame her, it was because he was too nervous.

I was afraid that she would leave because of the unhappiness in the morning, and I was even more afraid that she would have an accident. The feeling of psychological torment for more than an hour was too strange and out of control, so I sweared at her.

Seeing that he hadn't moved for a long time, the woman didn't bother to talk to him anymore. Anyway, no matter how heavy the bag was, it was only a few bags, and she was already home, so she couldn't be exhausted. Just as she was about to lift it up, a man's voice sounded from above her head.

"Feng Zhe, help Ms. Wen get the things up! If you neglect your duties today, you don't have to come over tomorrow, and report directly to Tan Yi!"

dereliction of duty……

What's the meaning!Feng Zhe was the driver and bodyguard arranged by Huo Ziyan for her. He said that his dereliction of duty could only be related to her, so it could only be a matter of going out by himself today.

Although she knew that the man said it so clearly in front of her, he meant it for her purposely, but she couldn't ignore it.

She raised her body and looked at Huo Ziyan, "What negligence, you arranged him for me, why didn't I know he was negligent?"

Huo Ziyan glanced at her, ignored her words, and said in a low voice to Feng Zhe again, "I need to say it twice!"

Feng Zhe responded, not daring to delay any longer, just as he lowered his head to pick up the bag, Wen Qing stopped him, staring at Huo Ziyan who was ignoring her, "I asked you to twist it for me, why did you arrange him!

(End of this chapter)

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