Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 147 Accepting an Apology From Her, That's Natural, She Can Afford It

Chapter 147 Accepting an apology from her is only natural, she can afford it

The next day, Wen Qing finished her lunch and was about to take a lunch break when she received a call from Han Xin.

The phone number of her contact information was recorded for her by her father before, saying that no matter what, it is a mother-daughter relationship, and she will always contact her if necessary in the future.

She didn't know what kind of mood her father still had towards her after so many years and both parties had remarried.

She hated her father so much, but her father would always know her number, no matter how many times she had changed her phone number over the years.

As for herself, except for calling Su Yichen at her father's request before she got engaged and being refused to participate, Wen Qing never made this call again.

Although sometimes when my heart is particularly fragile, I touch this person's phone number with my fingers, thinking that I will call, and I think it's good to listen to the voice, just like when my father is seriously ill and needs money, or when I need money in the police car that day. time to help.

But in the end it still didn't.

Looking at the caller ID that kept ringing on her phone, she thought, if Ding Yuyu hadn't threatened to apologize yesterday, maybe this number would not be displayed on her phone's incoming calls in this life!
There was a self-deprecating arc on the corner of his lips, and he pressed the answer button.

"Is it Wen Qing?"

She didn't wait for her to speak, and there was no polite opening remark like hello, four words, cold tone, and attitude like a complete stranger, or a little more indifferent than a stranger.

Wen Qing originally wanted to sarcastically say, don't you know whose phone you are calling?

But before the words came out, I remembered what my father had repeated to me since I was a child, [No matter what happens, don't blame your mother, she could have been the best mother in the world, I am sorry for her. 】

She didn't know what kind of hatred could make her so cold-blooded towards their family, even if it was forced, but her father's love couldn't warm her heart, and what kind of feelings, when she was so ruthlessly severed? After losing contact with this family, Dad has always thought it was all his fault for more than 20 years.

She didn't open her mouth, and the person on the other end of the phone seemed to be just trying to make an opening statement with the question just now, and didn't plan to wait for her to answer, and said indifferently with a hint of questioning tone, "I asked my daughter to apologize to you, you're so good Not small!"

Hearing these words, Wen Qing's mood suddenly returned to calm, and she was even a little amused by her questioning, "You can also choose not to apologize!"

There was a pause on the other end of the phone. I don't know if it was because of thinking, or if I controlled my emotions. The voice that came out again was calm, as if the previous tone was just Wen Qing's illusion, "Okay, since I want to apologize, let's make an appointment!"

After Wen Qing hung up the phone, she checked the time. It was almost one o'clock, and the appointment was three o'clock in the afternoon, so there was probably no time for a lunch break.

In fact, to be honest, she was not particularly interested in meeting them and asking them to apologize.

It was nothing more than what Song Chong said yesterday, which made her compromise, and what the other party did, stepped on her bottom line and emotional points, and brought back very bad memories.

But after talking to Huo Ziyan yesterday and crying, it seems unnecessary now.

After all, even if they really don't apologize, she will persuade Huo Ziyan to stop because of the relationship between Huo Ziyan, the Song family and the Han family.

It's just that since Huo Ziyan has done so much for her, and Ding Yuyu has done these nasty things to her, since she has opened up about it, seeing her and accepting an apology from her is only natural, she can bear it.

(End of this chapter)

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