Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 148 Quite kind, the posture of not taking the other party seriously at all

Chapter 148 Quite kind, the posture of not taking the other party seriously at all

Considering what happened to Ding Yuyu and Huo Ziyan's promise yesterday, Wen Qing asked Feng Zhe to accompany her there this time.

The meeting place is a private room in the Jiuzhongtian club.

Wen Qing used to go here occasionally, the premium membership system, because of the high consumption, after the Wen family went bankrupt, she only went there once with Huo Ziyan last time.

When Wen Qing and Feng Zhe were brought in by the waiter, Han Xin and Ding Yuyu had already arrived.

Han Xin was still the same, she couldn't tell that she was over 40 years old at all, and the years had left no traces on her body.

On the contrary, Ding Yuyu's overall complexion this time is not as good as when she was in the styling room last time. Although her clothes are gorgeous and her whole body is full of luxury brands, she can't hide her slightly pale complexion.

It seems that what Song Chong told her yesterday was correct. Huo Ziyan's blow to the Ding family did have a certain impact on them. It will definitely not be so easy to live at home these few days if it hurts my family.

Thinking of this, Wen Qing's heart felt a little better, but she didn't expect that the Ding family, a well-known merchant in the imperial capital, would be beaten down by Huo Ziyan in just a few days. It seems that his strength is stronger than I imagined myself to be much stronger.

Ding Yuyu raised her head and looked at Wen Qing who was gradually walking in front of them, and then slowly sat down, her face changed, and her fingers pinched the handbag on the table even harder.

Wen Qing is too beautiful, there is no doubt about it. No matter how many times you look at her, the next time you see her, you will still be attracted by her beauty and cannot take your eyes off her. Her skin is as white as snow, and she is carved with jade Zhuo's facial features, no matter taken alone or combined, seem to be the most exquisite handicrafts created by God.

Although Ding Yuyu is a very beautiful woman in everyone's eyes, no matter how unwilling she is, she also knows that her beauty will immediately lose all color in front of Wen Qing.

It was obviously born by a mother, but Wen Qing focused all the dazzling light on her body. This is also the fundamental reason why Ding Yuyu has been targeting her everywhere for so many years.

Wen Qing naturally noticed the change in Ding Yuyu's face.

She smiled secretly in her heart. In fact, every time they met before, she didn't deliberately modify herself, because let alone in front of outsiders, Ding Yuyu was still a lot worse than her. Even if someone else was said to be more beautiful than her, she would I don't feel that I have to compare myself with others in this respect.

But this time we met, Wen Qing was a little different. She didn't just go out casually like usual, but dressed up carefully.

This kind of dress is not as carefully designed as usual for a party or dance. The outfit looks very low-key. A gucci red and white contrast sweater is matched with a black velvet pleated skirt, and a pair of Valentino white sneakers. It looks comfortable and youthful, full of girlishness.

A light layer of nude makeup was applied to her skin. Her skin was already fine, but after such modification, it became more crystal clear and radiant.

The long black hair hangs naturally and smoothly on both sides of the sweater, so matched, it looks casual, as if this time I went out just to go shopping and take a walk.

It's just that in the private room of a high-level membership club like Jiuchongtian, facing a Ding Yuyu whose whole body seems to be inlaid with luxury goods from head to toe, it was a slap in the face.

Let's not talk about Wen Qing's innate beauty advantage, just look at the two most famous daughters of the imperial capital sitting together, one is gorgeous, the other is casual, but the gorgeous one still has to keep a low profile today Apologize to the other party.

There is a kind of posture that doesn't take the other party seriously at all.

(End of this chapter)

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