Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 191 Symbolizes the meaning of eternal protection

Chapter 191 Symbolizes the meaning of eternal protection

Wen Qing struggled a bit, firstly because she was still angry because of his attitude, this man was so overbearing that even her friends wanted to intervene, and the more important reason was that this was not at home. Yi was still driving, so did you say kiss and kiss?It doesn't matter the occasion at all.

"Huo..." Wen Qing wanted to push him, but the strength of the man's palm was stronger, imprisoning her, making her unable to shake him at all, "Someone..."

Tan Yi didn't want to pay attention to the movement behind him, but he really couldn't ignore it, and his heart was dripping with sweat, could he not help it?
Weren't we still arguing just now?Keep arguing!Anyway, he will never persuade a fight!

It's really embarrassing to play this song suddenly...

Huo Ziyan paused for a while, and glanced forward. Although Tan Yi didn't deliberately pay attention to the back, somehow he could feel the presence of the superior's eyes.

I had no choice but to bite the bullet and said, "Go on, I can't see anything, I can't hear anything!"

Wen Qing's inner OS, is this a problem that you say you can't see or hear?
MMD, what kind of beast boss really can teach what kind of shameless subordinates.

Just when she was about to say something more, Huo Ziyan pressed her lips against her, and said in a low voice from her throat, "I didn't drink red wine just now!"

Wen Qing frowned, not knowing what he meant by this sentence.

A dull voice came from above again, "I want to try it now!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't linger outside this time, he just pried open the woman's lips and broke in.

Wen Qing finally understood what he meant by the sentence just now, and wanted to refute, but soon, she was kissed by the man's more and more sophisticated kissing skills, so much that she forgot what she wanted to say!

A few days later, Huo Ziyan asked Tan Yi to drive directly from the Shiding International parking lot to the most prosperous Shimao Building in the imperial capital in the afternoon and stopped.

The World Trade Center is located in the most prosperous business district of the imperial capital, and it contains world-renowned luxury brands, including jewelry, clothes, shoes and bags, all of which are worth a lot of money.

Huo Ziyan walked directly into a luxurious luxury jewelry store, Emily Jewelry!

Seeing Mr. Huo coming in, the store manager and the counter lady greeted him together, standing in two rows in an orderly manner, and said in unison, "Mr. Huo, hello!"


He simply browsed through all the glass counters, and then said to the store manager, "Is the necklace I gave you ready?"

"It's done, Mr. Huo, don't worry!" After finishing speaking, he immediately made a gesture to a lady at the counter next to him, telling her to take out the things quickly.

The lady at the counter grinned professionally, "Mr. Huo, put the jewelry you want inside, just wait a moment, I'll take it out right away!"

Then, she put on gloves, went to an exquisite safe inside, opened the door with a key, took out an exquisite red velvet box from inside, put it on the glass counter, opened the lid of the box, and took the necklace inside out. It came out and handed it to Huo Ziyan's hand.

Huo Ziyan held it, stretched his arms, and kept a certain distance from his eyes. The shaped necklace pendant designed by himself, combined with the exquisite craftsmanship of famous masters, was even more beautiful and exquisite than he imagined.

The store manager next to him looked at Mr. Huo's satisfied smile, and hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Mr. Huo, this pendant is made according to the drawings you designed yourself. The effect is very good. It seems that the pattern is simple, but the effect is really ordinary. Seeing luxury, it better shows the value of this brand, it is very suitable for the younger generation of boyfriends to give to girlfriends, and the meaning is also very good, symbolizing the meaning of eternal protection!"

(End of this chapter)

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