Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 192 This article is not for sale

Chapter 192 This article is not for sale
Huo Ziyan seemed to be very satisfied with what the manager said, and his expression was always happy!The manager looked at his face and continued,

"If you look closely at each of the small diamonds above, you can see a small guardian star pattern, which is very delicate and beautiful. This kind of craftsmanship is really not something that every jewelry brand can do. Only our Emily Jewelry A sculptor can do it!"

Huo Ziyan thought for a while, "Is it suitable for a boyfriend to give to a girlfriend?"

Unexpectedly, Mr. Huo didn't care about the craftsmanship of the product, but suddenly asked another question. The store manager was taken aback for a moment, and quickly reacted.

"Yes, Mr. Huo!" He continued to explain, "The guardian star is to protect her so that she will never be hurt. It would be more appropriate if it is given by a boyfriend to a girlfriend!"

Probably thinking that Huo Ziyan asked this question just to understand the needs of product customers, the manager added, "Mr. Huo, it will be Christmas in more than a month. People who have seen this necklace are full of praise. If you are satisfied, we will put the factory into production immediately, and guarantee that it will explode by then!"

"Ziyan!" A soft voice came from not far away, Huo Ziyan looked away from the necklace, turned his head, and saw Feng Siwei and Song Yeshu standing not far away from him.

Between the handsome and gentle man and the elegant and quiet beautiful woman, it was Feng Siwei who spoke with a little surprise on his face, but Song Yeshu next to him just smiled lightly, with no special expression on his face.

"Hmm! Are you here to go shopping?"

Feng Siwei walked closer with Song Yeshu on his arm, looked at the necklace in Huo Ziyan's hand, and said, "It's rare for you to come to the store to see it in person. Is this necklace a new product? It's pretty good!"

Song Yeshu also saw the necklace in his hand. He saw Huo Ziyan holding the necklace in his hand, looking like he couldn't put it down, and smiled, "I just heard the manager say that this necklace will be withdrawn around Christmas. Wei, if you like it, we will pre-order one!"

"it is good……"

"This one is not for sale!"

Just as Feng Siwei's good words came out of his mouth, the man's flat voice came out just like that.

The store manager standing next to him was a little confused about the situation. Emily Jewelry, as the world's top luxury brand, will launch a limited edition of necklaces and diamond rings suitable for young lovers of the season every year before Christmas. The quantity is not much, because of its long brand history and unique Seiko design, it can be favored by high-end consumers every time.

As far as he knows, the design this time was designed by Mr. Huo himself. He sent it over a week ago and asked for a professional master to make it, and the time should be fast.

They all naturally thought that this was prepared for the release of new Christmas products, and Mr. Huo himself has some talent in design, and he often participated in it and gave one. It is said that he himself participated in the design of the decoration style of the Shiding Building.

Although when it was delivered, I just looked at the drawings and felt that the pattern was relatively ordinary, but the Christmas ones are mainly aimed at young lovers, so the appearance is generally not too complicated.

Sure enough, the effect of this product after it is made is quite good. The diamonds and cuts on it can be said to be one in a million, and they are extremely precious.

They are all professionals in this field and know what kind of products can attract high-end consumers, so they are very confident in this product.

(End of this chapter)

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