Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 205 Her smile is the brightest sunshine in a day

Chapter 205 Her smile is the brightest sunshine of the day

As soon as he finished speaking, both he and Tang Boxing laughed.

Wen Qing also smiled, with blushing cheeks, leaning against Huo Ziyan's arms.

The temperature on the top of the mountain was a bit cold. When going out, Huo Ziyan put on a thin down jacket for Wen Qing, while she just put on a sports jacket.

Because the temperature difference between the urban area and the suburbs is a bit large, he still doesn't feel it in the urban area, but now his hands feel a little cold.

It's just that this little bit of coldness has become extremely warm because of the closeness of the woman in his arms.

I've heard someone say a word before,

Because of one person, the four seasons become as warm as summer, and her smile is the brightest sunshine of the day.

At that time, I dismissed it with a smile, thinking that such a person was living in an illusory sensory experience, which was unrealistic.

But now I find that living ideally, even if I lose a part of my original self, I am happy with it.

Just like at this time, I put down all the work that seemed very important in the past, prepared so many days in advance, screened pictures one by one, and paid a lot of money to buy this hotel restaurant with the most beautiful night natural scenery in New York. Determine whether she likes it or not.

But when she involuntarily leaned towards her just now...

All sacrifices become gains.

"Zi Yan!" Seeing that the two of them had walked away, Wen Qing's soft voice sounded.

"Huh?" Huo Ziyan responded hoarsely to the woman's rare docile voice.

"Is this place specially prepared for me?" He told her it was a party, but Tang Boxing and Eric didn't bring any female companions. Obviously, this was carefully planned in advance. She felt that she asked a stupid question, and then added ,"Thank you!"

Huo Ziyan took her to the revolving restaurant, where the first, second and fourth floors are restaurants, and only the third floor is available for accommodation. ,

They came to the fourth floor together. Apart from the restaurant staff, there were only the four of them along the way. Wen Qing knew that this place was taken over by Huo Ziyan.

Wen Qing came to the balcony on the fourth floor, feeling the cool wind on the top of the mountain.

It is already late autumn and winter is approaching. The last time she returned to the imperial capital from New York was still summer. At that time, her whole life was completely messed up. The changes in Wen's family, Su Yichen's remorse, and the responsibilities she was about to face. Life can never go back to the way it was before.

It's just that since the four seasons have not changed, she can still stand at such a high place, look at the most beautiful starry sky and scenery, and enjoy the ultimate delicacy in the world.

Turning his head, he saw that the service staff of the restaurant had already brought exquisite western food to a table for two on the balcony.

After they left, Huo Ziyan came to her side, pulled out the chair gentlemanly, and Wen Qing sat down with a smile.

After watching Huo Ziyan sit down, Wen Qing said, "I knew we were eating Western food, we should dress more formally."

Although Huo Ziyan looks good in anything, but seeing him who is usually serious and suddenly pulls out a chair for himself in sportswear, it still feels a bit funny.

"It's okay, just be comfortable!"

"The two of them, why don't they eat together!"

"There are also restaurants on the first and second floors below, they should eat below!"

While eating an exquisite and delicious dinner, Wen Qing said, "This is not good, the scenery here is so beautiful, and they have worked hard this time..."

(End of this chapter)

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