Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 206 Look at him now, is it possible there?

Chapter 206 Look at him now, is it possible there?

The dazzling stars above are like the brightest star Wen Qing saw in the night sky just now, enough to attract everyone's attention.

Wen Qing has seen and owned many beautiful necklaces, all kinds of precious materials, including emeralds, pearls and gemstones, but none of them are like this one. The moment she saw it, she was so excited that she covered her mouth !

Huo Ziyan approached Wen Qing, kissed her on the forehead, and then gently unzipped the zipper of her down jacket without taking it off. The sweater inside was open-neck, and he specially made it for her to match this necklace. selected.

Pulling down the collar of the jacket a little, the action paused, and said in a deep voice, "Is it cold?"

Wen Qing couldn't say anything at the moment, feeling her throat was stuck in a thousand words, she could only shake her head desperately to tell him that she was not cold.

How can it be cold?
Her heart is filled with the warmth of the entire starry sky at this moment, how could it be cold!
Huo Ziyan smiled, stroked her long hair that was blown by the wind, and put this simple yet luxurious happiness star necklace around her neck.

"Everyone has a star of their own, and the biggest and brightest star you see is your happiness star. It changes day and night, and it may be temporarily dimmed. It doesn't make you feel it every moment. But it will never disappear, no matter it is bright or dark, it will always shine on you and make you happy! And the star on your neck is the guardian star of this happiness star, and it will guard with me With you, let you be happy forever!"

"Zi Yan..." Wen Qing's voice was trembling, she had a thousand words, she didn't know what to say!
Suddenly there were several loud noises in the sky, causing Wen Qing to shrink her neck in an instant, and colorful fireworks were shining in the sky not far away.

It is colorful and blooms in the sky, and then floats to the night sky with colored silk.

And the starry sky shines, illuminating the entire night sky on the top of the mountain.

Looking down at the necklace on the neck, on the dancing diamonds, it seems that stars are twinkling, like the starry sky at the moment, it is intoxicating.

Wen Qing could no longer suppress her excitement, she turned around and put her toes around Huo Ziyan's neck, "Thank you, I like it very much!"

At this moment, the gorgeous fireworks blooming in the sky have also become their background, making the lingering relationship between the two more vivid.

Not far away, Huo Ziyan's two good brothers, Tang Boxing and Eric, are setting off fireworks for the couple upstairs who are kissing passionately in a secluded open space with a few staff members of the restaurant, adding to the romantic atmosphere.

Seeing the two upstairs kissing each other, Tang Boxing clicked his tongue a few times and said, "He enjoys the beautiful scenery on the top, eats top-notch delicacies, and can hold a beautiful woman in his arms, mua-mua with her, but we are here Eating cold bread, blowing cold wind, and setting off fireworks for him, it's so fucking unfair!

Eric, "Damn, I'm so fucking envious of me! By the way, did he and Feng Siwei really brag like that?"

Tang Boxing hooked his lips and pointed his eyes upwards, "Look at him now, is there still a possibility?"

(End of this chapter)

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