Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 214 Now I'm Hypocritically Playing With Her

Chapter 214 Now I'm Hypocritically Talking to Her
Shu Xuan, the daughter of a cousin of Mu Baoman, because her cousin married a Chinese-American who was doing business in New York many years ago, so she also settled here together.

Wen Qing's father helped her choose a school in New York at the beginning because she felt that no matter how close she was, at least there was an acquaintance here who could take care of her in case something happened.

Except that her father and Mu Baoman, who had just entered college, sent her here to meet the family and have a meal, basically she hadn't dealt with them.

After all, even if their family wants to find her father's relationship, they only need to go through Mu Baoman directly!

It's just that she didn't expect that the only point of contact between her and their family was because she was in the same class with this nominal cousin who was only a few months older than her, so she often saw each other at school.

But they don't treat each other very well.

Probably because my mother is married to a Chinese-American businessman, but she is not as famous as Mrs. Wen and has a high social status, so my mother is not as good as Mu Baoman. Wen Lang is not here and there is no comparison, but she wants to All kinds of comparisons with her nominal relative, who logically said she couldn't beat eight poles!
During the four years of college, she had been in college several times, while pretending to be a familiar relative in front of outsiders, and at the same time saying bad things about her behind her back. She knew a lot.

She is too lazy to argue with her. On the one hand, she has always looked down on these double-faced people, and she feels that she can't get up to the grade even if she fights with her. On the other hand, it is too much. If it is someone else or in the imperial capital, she will directly Use relationships to find a way to drive her out of her sight, but this is New York, she doesn't want to make it too special, the most important thing is that she is Mu Baoman's relative after all, and she doesn't want her father to embarrass her.

Shu Xuan looked Wen Qing up and down, she really didn't expect to see her here!

Isn't the Wen family bankrupt?In the past, her mother often contacted Aunt Mu Baoman. In the past few months, something happened to Wen's family. Although their family has stopped contacting her, she always pays attention to the news of Wen's family on the Internet out of the psychology of watching jokes. .

All I know is that she was dumped by that fiancé, and later it was said that she was going to enter the entertainment industry to pay off her debts. There was a scandal some time ago, but it was subsided later.

Seeing her here now, could it be that the Wen family's affairs have been settled.

Shu Xuan didn't look at Huo Ziyan who was sitting opposite Wen Qing.

It's not that she didn't know there was such a person. Because of the distance at other tables, the first thing she saw was Wen Qing, while Huo Ziyan next to him was blocked by a glass baffle, so she could only vaguely see him. To a figure!
In fact, she didn't have much interest in the man beside Wen Qing.After all, in her imagination, for a down-and-out daughter like Wen Qing who was divorced by her fiancée, even if she could find someone willing to help her with her beauty, it must be an old bald old man, or The ignorant and incompetent playboy of the second son who played with her, still has noble sons like the Su family in the imperial capital who have taken a fancy to her.

"How is the Wen family's situation? I heard that my uncle is also sick. Our family is worried. Are you all right now?"

Wen Qing's complexion changed, this woman, her family is all snobbish, she never cared about something happened to Wen's family before, but now she is hypocritically talking to her!

(End of this chapter)

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