Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 215 New York is so big, but I met the most annoying person

Chapter 215 New York is so big, but I met the most annoying person
It's just that she can't tell her that she is traveling with her boyfriend. It's not that there's nothing wrong with it, but she doesn't think it's necessary to tell her!

"Please worry about it, come and do something!" Wen Qing replied lightly!

Seeing Wen Qing's indifferent attitude, Shu Xuan sneered secretly in her heart. In the past, relying on the power of the Wen family in the imperial capital, she often put on a bad face, but now she has nothing, so where is the confidence!
Naturally speaking, he began to be rude, "Didn't you already graduate, what can you do here, now that the Wen family has collapsed, and the newspaper said that uncle is also seriously ill, you are so interested in running here with a man Come and have fun!"

Probably because she was used to her tone, Wen Qing was not very angry, and responded with a sneer, "This kind of speaking style is just like you, why don't you pretend to care about me, know so many gossips, and I haven't seen you go and see Your cousin and cousins ​​who are related by blood, as for my nominal name, I don't bother you to care about it!"

New York is so big, but I met the most annoying person!

She looked up at Huo Ziyan, he didn't say anything at the moment, just lowered his head quietly, but from the tense expression on his face, it could be seen that he was in a particularly bad mood at the moment!
Are you angry?
I don't know if he is still angry just now, or because of this Shu Xuan, but no matter what it is for, it seems to have something to do with her!
Wen Qing's mood is extremely irritable at the moment, it's obvious that the relationship between seeing each other is annoying, why can't they see each other and pretend not to know each other, and annoy each other even more!
"Wen Qing, why are you talking like that? We are still relatives no matter we are named or not. Although you are not as good as you used to be, we will not despise you. Is it wrong for me to care about you, let alone you Talk about a boyfriend and you should introduce him, right?"

"Get out!" Wen Qing was thinking about how to get rid of this woman who looked like a dog's skin plaster, when suddenly the man's cold and stern voice came from the opposite side, with a simple word that was clean and neat, without sloppiness!It's just that cold tone showed that she was already full of anger at this moment!

Huo Ziyan was indeed very angry, he was having dinner with Wen Qing, and he didn't want to be disturbed, not to mention that Wen Qing was serving him food meekly for the first time, the atmosphere between the two of them was unprecedentedly good!

This woman who came out of nowhere suddenly came in like this, thinking that it was probably someone Wen Qing knew, and it was inconvenient for him to intervene, even if he felt that there was something wrong with the tone between them at the beginning, but she was thinking about her own business I probably wanted to deal with it myself, so I didn't make a sound!

Unexpectedly, Wen Qing's meaning was expressed so clearly later, she insisted on not leaving, and every sentence was full of malice!

Shu Xuan probably focused on Wen Qing all the time, so when the man yelled at her like this, she naturally noticed Wen Qing's shrinking expression at the first reaction!

Sure enough, he guessed right, if he was so scared, even if the sentence to get out was meant for her, and he actually scared her like this, this man wouldn't treat her very well!
She sneered and was about to turn her head away, thinking to see how capable she was in finding He Fangshen to be her benefactor!
Just the moment she turned her head, Shu Xuan froze with a sneer on her face!

Huo Ziyan!
(End of this chapter)

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