Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 221 No wonder I have never had a girlfriend. With his personality, who wants to be with him

Chapter 221 No wonder I have never had a girlfriend. With his personality, who wants to be with him?

Huo Ziyan didn't speak, just put the coat aside, went to the bathtub and pressed the button to make it waterproof.

The room is very quiet at the moment, unlike any time in the past, even when the relationship between the two was tense at the beginning, Wen Qing ignored him, and he would still think of ways to talk to Wen Qing, it was really cold, he was too cold, he He would also use harsh words to deliberately irritate Wen Qing, and swear at him.

But the silence at this time made the atmosphere between the two even more awkward.

Seeing this man's silent attitude different from the past, Wen Qing quickly reviewed whether what she just said was too much, wasn't she the one who was wronged?Why do I feel that he is aggrieved now, as if I am sorry for him.

Seeing that the man opened the cap of a bottle of essential oil and was about to fall into the bathtub, Wen Qing reacted immediately, and hurried over to snatch the essential oil from his hand, stopped his movement, and then closed the button of the bathtub.

"What's the matter, don't you want to take a bath?"

As if realizing something, his face froze, and he continued, "Don't tell me you don't want me to give you water!"

Knowing that he had misunderstood, Wen Qing quickly explained, "No, using essential oils during menstruation is not good for your health, and you can't go to the bathtub, so I can just use the shower next to me and wait for me outside, I will soon Enough!"

Listening to the woman explaining to him the various precautions during the menstrual period, the man's face became even uglier.

I wanted to say something, or do something to help, but suddenly realized that I couldn't help much, maybe staying here would delay her time, Huo Ziyan replied that you should wash up first and then go out.

Wen Qing took off her clothes, walked under the shower head, turned on the hot water, and began to rinse.

There was the sound of drizzling water in the bathroom, and the hot air gradually lingered in the entire bathroom. The warm water rushed down from the top of the head. Although there was still a slight pain in the abdomen, I felt clean instantly, and the sticky feeling of menstrual blood before was gone. No more, the body has been stretched, and the whole person is much more comfortable.

The body is comfortable, and the mood is naturally relaxed. Wen Qing has been thinking about the matter between him and Huo Ziyan just now. Although this man's tone is a little bit off, he is concerned with herself. Probably her words really hurt him seriously.

And this time he put down his work to take her out to relax and prepare a show for her.

Thinking about coaxing that stingy man when he goes out later, lest he make a face all the time and feel uncomfortable in his heart.

After all, during the menstrual period, the shower should not be too long. After a simple rinse, Wen Qing put on her pajamas and walked out.

Huo Ziyan was not in the bedroom, Wen Qing walked out of the bedroom, but couldn't find him in every room in the entire hotel suite.

Could it be that he was really angry with her and ran out!
"What a small man," Wen Qing said angrily to herself in the living room of the suite, "No wonder she never had a girlfriend. With his personality, who wants to be with him!"

Of course, the unhappy woman naturally ignored the fact that the man he said was the most perfect male god and the most willing partner in the eyes of most women in the capital, according to the media.


While snorting warmly and loudly, the door of the room was suddenly opened from the outside. When Huo Ziyan walked in, he naturally saw an angry woman standing in the middle of the living room with puffed cheeks.

(End of this chapter)

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