Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 222 Standing in the middle of the living room and humming so loudly, it seems that you are m

Chapter 222 Standing in the middle of the living room and humming so loudly, it seems that you are more angry

At this time, she was wearing a long pajamas suit, and her hair was still wet against her scalp even though she had wiped it with a towel because she had just taken a shower.

As soon as the man's face changed, his anger flared up again. Without even thinking about it, he strode up to Wen Qing and reprimanded him directly. This time, his voice was a little louder than in the bedroom before.

"Wen Qing, your hair isn't even dry, why don't you blow it out quickly, why are you running out of the bedroom? You can't stand the cold during your menstrual period. Didn't you just keep saying that you are good at taking care of yourself in the bathroom? Now you don't even have basic common sense. forget!"

When Huo Ziyan came in, Wen Qing had her back facing the door, and she was still talking to herself at that time, and she didn't hear or notice the sound of the man entering the door. He suddenly yelled like this, which scared her so much that she almost turned away. He jumped up, but before he had any reaction, he was beaten up and hugged by the man, and hurried back to the sofa in the bedroom to sit down.

When she was still in shock and clutching her heart and slowly calming down, Huo Ziyan had already taken out the hair dryer from the bathroom, plugged it into the socket next to her, turned on the switch, and just helped the woman blow her hair.

The man's bony fingers ran through the woman's long hair, delicately and gently helping her to part it little by little, and let the wind dry it slowly. His fine movements and steps were completely different from the irritable him just now, and he looked extraordinarily gentle and gentle. considerate.

It also calmed down the woman's aggrieved mood when she thought he was angry and ran out, and the anger of being frightened by him.

With his head slightly lowered, he let him comb his hair meekly, and said sullenly, "I just came out of the bathroom and saw that you were not there. I thought you were angry and left!"

Huo Ziyan continued to move his hands and glanced at her, "As soon as I opened the door and came in, I saw you standing in the living room wearing a thin pajamas. The living room is not like a bedroom, and the windows are all closed. You don't know how hot the temperature is right now. How low is it? And your hair is also wet, what if you catch a cold, and when you get sick, you will say that I took you out to play and play you sick!"

Wen Qing bit her lip, lowered her head even harder, and said in a muffled voice, "Didn't I say nothing? And I came out to find you!"

"People who can't see me, don't they have cell phones? Won't they call my cell phone?"

The voice was even smaller, "I thought you were angry!"

Huo Ziyan stroked Wen Qing's hair, putting his fingers through it from the outside to the inside, again and again. After making sure that it was completely dry, he took the blower off the socket and put it on the table beside him. He squatted down and lifted Wen Qing's hair. Face, stroking her clean face, "Standing in the middle of the living room and humming so loudly, it seems that you are even more angry! And you lost your temper, why did I become angry in the end!"

Wen Qing looked at Huo Ziyan's deep eyes that were black and bottomless, as if she wanted to sink her deeply, "I'm not angry, I was not feeling well before, so I wanted to wash off before going to sleep, otherwise I wouldn't be able to sleep either. Well, it’s just that my abdominal pain was so severe during dysmenorrhea, and you yelled at me at that time, so I lost my temper without saying anything!”

Listening to the woman's docile and obedient explanation, the deep eyes that were bottomless just now were completely replaced by gentleness, "You didn't say anything unscrupulously, you are right, if I pay more attention, you won't It hurts so much!"

Wen Qing quickly shook her hand, "No, I was emotional just now, and what I said was a bit exaggerated. You took me out to play, prepared shows for me, and ate hot pot with me all because of me. You are a man, and you don't know my menstrual period. I can't blame you all! And every time I have a menstrual period, I will be in pain for a day, and it has nothing to do with you!"

The woman's rare understanding moved the man so much that he understood what she meant.

It's just that it was his responsibility to let her take the medicine for the first time. First, he had never had any other women before, so he was unprepared. Second, even so, he still had basic common sense, but he lost control of his emotions to a certain extent that day.

She fell ill the next day because of taking medicine, and he was always ready after that at home, including this trip, unless they were married or she was willing to give him a baby, otherwise he would never let her suffer again.

Da Heng picked her up from the sofa and gently put her on the bed, just as Wen Qing was about to lie down.

"Sleep later!"

Let her sit on the head of the bed, take the pillow and put it on her back, pull the quilt next to her to cover her body, and then go outside the bedroom.

Although Wen Qing didn't know what he was going to do, she didn't move, she just leaned against the bedside and waited for him blankly.

After about a while, Huo Ziyan came in from the outside, holding a glass of water that was still steaming.

Sitting by the bed, put the water glass on the bedside table next to Wen Qing.

"I'm going to take a shower first, it's very hot now, I'll drink it while it's hot!"

Wen Qing glanced at the crimson hot water inside, "Brown sugar water? You just went out to buy brown sugar?"

"I just checked on the Internet and said that it is better to drink brown sugar ginger tea during menstruation, but it was too late. I couldn't find it in the convenience store, but there is brown sugar. I heard that it can also relieve pain. You drink it before going to sleep! I first To take a bath!"

Pulling the arm of the man who was getting up, "Thank you! Ziyan!"

Then, he raised his upper body and leaned over, wrapped his hands around the man's neck, and pressed his lips against the man's lips. He kissed him, and was about to leave. The man in front of him deepened the kiss with lightning speed.


No matter how tender and reluctant to leave, the man stopped in time.

Looking closely at the beautiful woman with a shy face and crystal-clear eyes in front of her, the expression at this moment is so touching that people can't take their eyes off it.

After pushing him and still circling his arms, he saw the undisguised depth in his eyes.

Having made out with him so many times, she can understand him naturally, Wen Qing said angrily, "You don't want to take a bath yet!"

The man's hoarse voice came from his throat, "Just send me like this!"

Wen Qing raised her eyes, took a few deep breaths, she had fair skin, and there was still a natural halo on her cheeks, but her eyes had returned to the usual color when she was teasing him, "What if I don't send you off? What else can I do?"

(End of this chapter)

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