Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 223 Your current boyfriend is me

Chapter 223 Your current boyfriend is me

Huo Ziyan originally listened quite well, but the more he heard the latter, the more he felt that something was wrong, and his face became ugly. Seeing it, Wen Qing didn't know what he was thinking, whether to continue talking or not.

"What do you mean I don't want to? Which eye of yours sees it, and which ear hears me saying that I don't want it?"

"I mean I'm afraid you don't want to..."

Huo Ziyan looked at her with cool eyes, "I'm afraid I don't want to, I still want to meet a secret lover on the university campus who is similar to the first love when I am not there, and I am afraid that I will influence you to confide in love. If so, you can directly Tell me, I can think about whether to give you this chance!"

Wen Qing was so angry that she jumped out of the car at the thought of this man who was crazy and spread rumors.

This bastard only treated her well for a few days, no, he only treated her for a few hours. Fortunately, she was fascinated yesterday and thought he was gentle and considerate. It was a fucking illusion.

In a fit of anger, she suddenly laughed, "If you don't tell me, I really forgot, let alone there are so many people who regard me as Bai Yueguang. Originally, I could go to Massachusetts and Oxford in college, but because of me And when they chose to come to this university, even if they knew that I had a fiancé and followed me firmly, they didn't have any extra thoughts, they just wanted to see me more."

"Then why didn't you see a few follow you when you returned to the capital after graduation?"

Wen Qing said calmly, "They are young and promising. Naturally, they want to continue their studies. Besides, didn't I have a fiance before? Now that I'm here, the young people will have a meal and talk together. People of the same age? , there must be a lot of common topics, and it just so happens that Su Yichen and I also broke up..."

"Your current boyfriend is me!"

"Huh?" Wen Qing pretended to be puzzled, "Aren't you not going?"

"Don't even think about it!" Huo Ziyan's lips were directly pressed down, blocking her chattering lips.


Before lunch, Wen Qing made an appointment to have dinner with her teacher and a few acquaintances in the evening, and she booked a seat in the box on the second floor of a restaurant near the school.

Originally, Wen Qing subconsciously felt that the relationship between herself and Huo Ziyan had just begun to be harmonious, and Huo Ziyan's own status in the imperial capital, and they had not officially made it public, it would be a bit abrupt to take him to meet them suddenly.

It was just because Shu Xuan met them all, and she was too easy to add fuel to the conversation, so she decided to formally introduce Huo Ziyan to them.

After lunch, she thought she should visit the teacher's house first, so she went to the mall with Huo Ziyan to buy gifts.

On the way to the mall, Wen Qing sat in the Bugatti, looked left and right, looked at the front and back, and compared it with other models outside the window. Although there are many luxury cars, I still think this car is too big wind.

"Huo Ziyan, did you buy this car or borrow it?" Although Huo Ziyan always felt that most of this car might be bought because of Huo Ziyan's money-burning personality, he couldn't help but make sure.

While looking at the car, he said lightly, "I don't like to drive someone else's car!"

Wen Qing, "..."

All right!Sure enough!
Sure enough, rich and willful!
Wen Qing originally wanted to say something, but forget it!

It's just... After a while, probably only a short while, she suddenly felt very irritable, and she attributed it to herself as the reason for her menstrual period.

(End of this chapter)

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