Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 241 This is to imitate Tang Minghuang

Chapter 241 This is to imitate Tang Minghuang
The phone in the jacket rang, Huo Ziyan took it out with difficulty, it was Tan Yi's phone.

He asked him to call him in 10 minutes because of work in the box.

Huo Ziyan tried his best to suppress the surging passion flowing in his body at the moment, and picked up the phone.

Tan Yi's "Huo..." on the other end of the phone had just uttered the word "Huo Ziyan". Before he could finish speaking, Huo Ziyan immediately interrupted his opening remarks.

A deep and depressing voice sounded, "I have something to do now, you have full control over tomorrow's contract, you don't need to ask me!"

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Tan Yi on the other end of the phone looked at the hung up phone in a daze. Didn't he just ask him to call in 10 minutes?
Originally, Mr. Huo was on vacation for the past few days. In principle, he shouldn't bother him.

It's just that the customer to be received tomorrow is an old customer of the company, the contract amount is very large, and Mr. Huo has always received and handled it in person. When he contacted Mr. Huo 10 minutes ago, he also said that he would explain to him later.

Now this is what happened.

If you heard me right, Mr. Huo's voice just now was low and sexy with a hint of depression.

It's his turn to secretly guess obscenely, is he doing that indescribable thing with Miss Wen?


When Mr. Huo answered the phone just now, he heard the voice as if he was still in the room, and the surrounding environment was a bit noisy!
Thinking that Mr. Huo wanted to change to a quiet place for him to call, it only took 10 minutes, so he couldn't help it, the two of them rolled into bed quickly.

I can't even wait for the time to report a job!


Tan Yi was thinking about tomorrow's work, and he felt a little overwhelmed. Mr. Huo, you just let me handle such an important business lightly!
No, it's not light and light, at least the voice on the phone just now is not light and light, it should be depressed and sinking!

Mr. Huo is going to imitate Tang Minghuang and spend the spring night in Furong's tent. From now on, the king will not go to court early!
And Huo Ziyan on the New York side naturally wouldn't know about Tan Yi's filthy thoughts at this time.

He picked up the phone and immediately dialed another number, "Eric, there is something wrong here, come over right away..."


Huo Ziyan was sitting on the sofa in the living room, his coat had already been taken off his body, only a thin white shirt was on his body, and several buttons on the collar had been torn off by him when he entered the door.

The windows of the living room are all open, allowing ventilation on several sides. The temperature in New York at night is only a few degrees. The room should already be very cold. The wind is blowing in, making the surface of Huo Ziyan's body cold, but the heat in his body cools down. It didn't decrease at all, but the impact of these two temperatures made the body's reaction even more out of control.

He finally realized that something was wrong, he was drugged, and the drug was very strong!

Huo Ziyan closed her eyes, clenched her fists tightly, Wen Qing's menstrual period is coming, it is obvious that the person who drugged herself today knows very well that he cannot find Wen Qing.

The doorbell rang, once or twice, and the man who was suppressing his lust didn't know if he was hallucinating at this moment.

Is Wen Qing back...

Huo Ziyan opened his eyes, the corners of his lips twitched, but... Then, as if he thought of something, his thin lips were tightly pursed, so what if he came back, he really wanted her desperately like a beast.


(End of this chapter)

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