Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 242 Originally choosing Wen Qing to be his woman was also an act of will

Chapter 242 Originally choosing Wen Qing to be his woman was also an act of will

The moment she stepped into this room and saw him, a look of panic flashed across the woman's face, but it was fleeting, followed by a morbid firmness. Looking at his expression, There was a tinge of what might be called an obsession with one's own world, and on the surface, as she later told him, it seemed that she really liked him.

However, no matter how concealed she hides her emotions and how pure her face is, he can still catch the jealousy and greed hidden in her complex eyes.

When she heard his last words just now, she didn't know what kind of imaginings flashed through her mind, but she actually had a look of anticipation.


What is she expecting.

Or what she thought she could get.

"Actually, I didn't think Wen Qing was so beautiful or perfect at first, and in my perception, she is neither the kind of pure and unscheming woman, but also has a hypocritical personality and is not smart enough."

At the beginning, he tried his best to force her, knowing that it was irreversible, but he wanted to play a little tricky, but in the end he suffered a disadvantage.

"And for you..." Huo Ziyan looked at Shu Xuan's suddenly dilated pupils with pursed lips!
"The first time I saw you yesterday, Wen Qing obviously didn't like you, and I didn't like you very much because of her, but I didn't have any special feelings or likes and dislikes for you. It's just that I met you at the hot pot restaurant yesterday. Until just after eating, it can be seen from your performance that you are jealous of Wen Qing, and inexplicably like to compare with her. Indeed, Wen Qing's innate conditions are indeed very easy to make other women around her jealous, thinking that she is just luckier than ordinary people, has She has a pretty face, but her personality is too lofty and artificial, I really don't understand why she is so lucky!"

"Maybe you're right, but a pretty face is just the most basic condition for a person's attractiveness, not the key factor. It's just..."

"The reason why she is different from you is that even though her personality is hypocritical and not smooth enough, many people do not like her very much, but she never uses any dirty means to deal with others. If she doesn't want me, she will never She refused me mercilessly. She felt that she couldn't avoid me, so she just came to find me directly. If she didn't like you, she would tell you to get out in front of your face! If she really wanted to deal with you, she would definitely tell me directly. She can still stay away from her body. To be able to get along with you in such a peaceful and peaceful way all the time, it's just that a person like you is not worthy or worthy of her thinking!"

Wen Qing asked him several times, including Tang Boxing in private, what's so good about Wen Qing and why she likes her but not her.

In fact, he didn't quite understand, he only knew that since he couldn't let go, he had to get her and keep her by his side.

When he was tormented by that wave of passion just now, it wasn't like he didn't hesitate.

After all, with his status, it is very common for him to follow his heart and do whatever he wants.

Originally, choosing Wen Qing to be his woman was also an act of will.

What's more, he took traditional Chinese medicine, which was too strong. Although he called Eric to send the medicine as soon as possible, he was not sure that he would be able to survive this period.

It's just that when she was controlled by desire and her mind was a little confused, Wen Qing's appearance and figure were all in her mind and heart.

(End of this chapter)

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