Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 243 Just Say Anything, Don't Hesitate

Chapter 243 Just Say Anything, Don't Hesitate
He has only slept with one woman, Wen Qing. Before that, he had never considered whether he would only sleep with one woman, and whether he could accept sleeping with other women.

It's just that now being controlled by drugs, he realizes more deeply that he can't accept it at all, and it's even more unacceptable than he imagined.

He suddenly remembered the words that Wen Qing whispered in his ear just before leaving the box, "Thank you, Huo Ziyan, I will definitely make it up to you in a few days!"

Such sentimental and caring words are rarely uttered from her mouth. Perhaps it has not yet reached the deepest love a woman has for a man. It is just an expression of timely emotion, a kind of gratitude, just like the thank you she said!
But there will indeed be so many points, unquestionably accept and recognize it!

Not to mention that he is extremely disgusted with this woman Shu Xuan, even if it is with other women, even if he is controlled by drugs, even if Wen Qing can understand in the end, he cannot accept that he betrayed Wen Qing and let Wen Qing suffer a little harm.

Even if his will is gradually being destroyed, he can only and must endure it.

Although Shu Xuan's eyes were reddened by such an insult, and the unprecedented humiliation swept through her nerves, she did not stop her movements...

Huo Ziyan's sanity is already blurred, the conversation just now has consumed a lot of his mental energy, Shu Xuan was originally considered a first-class beauty, this kind of temptation, more or less destroyed him to a certain extent.

Turn around and get ready to go to the bathroom!
Shu Xuan naturally understood the man's intentions, so she ran over and hugged him recklessly. The woman's breath and the smell of perfume floated up at the same time, rushing into the tip of the man's nose, making him sick and unbearable at the same time.

"Huo Ziyan!" Probably because of the stimulation just now, Shu Xuan didn't care about anything at this time, and just called his name so excitedly.

I don't know if it's because I can finally get so close to this man like Wen Qing, or because I have the opportunity to call him by his full name like a woman calls a man, Shu Xuan suddenly lost control of her emotions.

"You don't need to bear it at all. You are so lofty. You can get the best things in this world. Why bear it for a woman? She Wen Qing is beautiful and pretends to be noble, but no matter how noble she pretends to be, so what , didn’t she want to tell you that kind of seductive words when you just left the box, didn’t she use this trick to attract you in the first place. If she can do it, I can do the same!”


In the private room, Wen Qing and a few friends were still drinking and chatting about gossip and secrets between women.

Suddenly the inner door of the box was pushed open, and Amy, who had just gone to the bathroom, rushed in and ran in front of Wen Qing.

It was probably because everyone was a little drunk, or Amy felt that the matter was really urgent, so she didn't grasp the strength for a while, and when she squatted down, she bumped Wen Qing onto the sofa behind and bounced.

Clarie quickly pulled Wen Qing up, looked at Amy's solemn expression, and joked, "What's wrong, Amy, with your expression, you saw your boyfriend's adultery!"

Amy glanced at Clarie, then turned her head to look at Wen Qing again, she didn't refute her or laugh as usual, the expression on her face was still not so pretty, even more serious than before.

At this moment, even Clarie felt that something serious had happened, "Amy, what happened?"

Amy glanced at Clarie, and continued to stare at Wen Qing, with a trace of deepness and a trace of hesitation.

Wen Qing naturally saw that this matter was related to her, "Amy, what's the matter, is it related to me?"

Amy paused for a while, then leaned forward, held Wen Qing's hand and said, "Did Yandel just say something happened and went upstairs?"

Wen Qing's head was actually a little dizzy at the moment, but at this moment Amy suddenly mentioned Huo Ziyan's English name, which made her heart skip a beat.

She pulled out her hand to hold Amy's arm, bit her lip, and said in a hurried voice, "Yes, he said that his company was in a hurry, so he went upstairs!"

Before Amy could open her mouth, she asked again, "If you have anything to say, just say it, don't hesitate!"

Amy nodded and said, "Didn't Yandel say something was up just now? We all know that, and when I came back from going to the bathroom..."

She gritted her teeth and continued, "Seeing Susan get on the elevator, I thought she was leaving to go home, so I rushed over to say hello, when the elevator just closed, but I saw that the elevator was going up go!"

In fact, Amy didn't know what she wanted to express. Susan's elevator was going up. So she can only get on the elevator first and then get off.

Although logically this is simply not possible.

But she knew that she had already said that, and it was impossible for Wendy not to have doubts about things she could doubt.

Among these classmates, the relationship between her and Susan is better than others.

Regarding the relationship and things between Wendy and Susan, she is actually not very clear, and she has always been a little foggy.

She and Wendy are roommates, and she and Susan both worked in the university campus radio station, so they can be regarded as mutual good friends.

Wendy's personality is of the slow-heating type, so at the beginning in the dormitory, she was always alone, relatively deserted, and not particularly talkative.

And she herself is not a naturally lively person like Clarie, so at first she and Wendy were just nodding acquaintances in the dormitory, on the contrary, her relationship with Susan was better.

I just heard from Susan that they are distant relatives, so every time Susan comes to the dormitory, she will act very close to Wendy, while Wendy's attitude is relatively cold.

At that time, she felt that Wendy's character was too arrogant. Later, she heard from Susan that Wendy's family was from a wealthy family in the imperial capital, so her personality was relatively arrogant. She actually did not agree with Wendy's attitude towards Susan at the time, but after all, it was between the two of them. She is also noncommittal.

It's just that the more we get in touch with each other, the more we will find that Susan is actually not as affectionate and caring towards Wendy as she appears on the surface. On the contrary, she doesn't like many aspects of her.

I don't deliberately express my dissatisfaction with Wendy. Although I seem to care about her on the surface, I really don't like her in my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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