Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 244 And Huo Ziyan...he really treats her very well

Chapter 244 And Huo Ziyan...he really treats her very well

It's just that during the four years of being classmates, she gradually discovered that Wendy was not as indifferent and arrogant as she appeared on the outside. On the contrary, although she was born into a wealthy family, she was neither arrogant nor arrogant. The family background is arrogant.

Once everyone needs her, she will do her best in silence, and she is very loyal and sincere to those around her.

After getting in touch with each other more, she gradually became harmonious with Wendy.

Wen Qing heard what Amy said to her, although she didn't directly express the deep meaning, but when it came to this point, how could she not understand!

Turning her head to look at the place where Shu Xuan was sitting just now, there was no one there.

She hasn't spoken much since she came here today, and she didn't even tease her as harshly as usual. Of course, the root cause may be that she doesn't have the opportunity and courage to do so on such an occasion today.

In fact, she didn't pay much attention to Shu Xuan from the meal until now, and she didn't deliberately reject her. It's just that there are more classmates and teachers today. Everyone hasn't seen each other for a long time, and they are all crazy together. She is the only one there. Although she doesn't deliberately, but It can also be seen that she is not very happy.

In it, Amy has the best relationship with her. Sitting together, they can also neutralize her unhappiness here, she thinks so.

In fact, she felt before, since being together is so unhappy, why force herself to come here!
In her impression, Shu Xuan has always been the enthusiastic and active character of Westerners. This night, she was uncharacteristically just staying quietly. Could it be for the present.

Wen Qing closed her eyes, and suddenly remembered Huo Ziyan's abnormal behavior before leaving, did the two of them make an appointment?

She quickly opened her eyes, stood up suddenly without thinking much, and felt a little dizzy. Clarie next to her saw it, and quickly stood up to support her. Joshua saw that the faces of the girls were not right, so she put down The wine glass came over.

Clarie asked, "Joshua, Yandel was sitting next to you just now, what happened? Did Susan say anything to Yandel?"

This question made Joshua a little confused, but seeing the dignified expressions on their faces, he didn't ask any more questions. He just thought about it and replied, "Yandel sat down and chatted casually before, and then he started drinking. I came over and gave him an empty wine glass, and then sat back without any communication! Then I took a phone call and went upstairs!"

Similar to what they knew, what Huo Ziyan told Wen Qing was indeed because he answered a phone call about work, so he had to go upstairs to deal with it first.

Clarie supported Wen Qing, and whispered, "Wendy, maybe Susan happens to have a friend who lives upstairs, and you are not relatives? She wouldn't do such an outrageous thing! Yandel is so kind to you, all of us Everyone can feel, how could he do something that I'm sorry for you!"

Wen Qing looked a little dazed!

Shu Xuan and her, relatives, will not go out of line!

How can I say that the impression this person gave her is that there is not much relationship between the two people, whether in terms of closeness or geography, but she still regards herself as the closest partner or the strongest competitor. There is an inexplicable hostility everywhere.

And Huo Ziyan...he is indeed very kind to her. Whether it is Yin Chang or the teachers and classmates here, they all say that he is very kind to her...

(End of this chapter)

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