Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 245 Yes, He Is Her Boyfriend

Chapter 245 Yes, He Is Her Boyfriend
How could he do something sorry for her.

She should believe him!


And why should she think that he would not do anything wrong to her!

"Would you like to play first, I want to go up first!"

After finishing speaking, Wen Qing pulled Clarie's hand away, and walked straight out of the box.

Everyone saw that Wen Qing's complexion was very bad and her condition was not very good at this time, so they followed along together. Naturally, Wen Qing would not and did not have the energy to stop it.

When she walked into the elevator and went upstairs, she was in a numb state. When she came out of the box, she seemed to be in a hurry. At this time, there seemed to be many emotions flowing and turning in her mind, and she seemed to be thinking about nothing, just feeling Tired, just want to go back to the room to rest.

Until she got out of the elevator and walked on the corridor on the floor of the room, the closer she got, the more nervous she felt, her fingers tightly clutching her clothes, as if she was afraid that she would fall to the ground at any time.

Finally walked to the door of the room, before opening the door, suddenly stepped on some hard soft cloth, looked down, a lady's coat, Shu Xuan's...

The people who followed naturally also saw it, and their faces changed.

Although they all grew up in the West and their thinking is open and unconventional, they never expected such a situation to happen.

Huo Ziyan was eating and drinking with them as Wen Qing's boyfriend just now, but now he has sex with another woman, who is still their classmate.

It's not that they haven't seen their boyfriends cheating or their girlfriends cheating on them in their lives, but they all saw Huo Ziyan's love and possessiveness for Wen Qing, it really wasn't like pretending.

But... now the facts are in front of us again.

Wen Qing stood at the door, hesitating. She has a room card, but are you sure you want to go in?
What can change when you go in!

If you were still thinking of luck before, then seeing Shu Xuan's clothes at the door, wouldn't that explain the problem?
This is how impatient it is.

No wonder after Huo Ziyan left just now, Clarie teased her that this man was turned into a tantrum by her, it turned out to be true!

Just as impatient as every time I'm with her.

She originally thought he was just treating her like this, because he said that he... likes her.

Ah!like!What a joke!
Luckily she never took it seriously.

But..., did you really not take it seriously?
Her eyes were blurred, Wen Qing touched her cheek with her hands, the cold touch, it turned out that she shed tears at some point, but she didn't even feel it.

Clarie has never seen Wen Qing like this. Even when her ex-fiancé called her half a year before graduation and said that she was going to break off the engagement, she just dragged them to the bar and got drunk and lost for a few days. Then it gradually got better.

It was the first time she saw such a distraught appearance, but she gritted her teeth and endured it. She was not an emotional person, but she couldn't help getting red eyes.

"Wendy, do you want to go in now?"

Clarie's question awakened Wen Qing's nerves at the moment.

Want to go in?Now that the result is almost known, then, should she go in?
He is currently having sex with another woman on the bed, even if she is in now, this man is powerful, what can she do!


Today, at dinner, he announced in front of everyone that he was her boyfriend.

Yes, he is her boyfriend!

(End of this chapter)

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