Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 270 There Are Some Tiny Details In The Bottom Of My Heart

Chapter 270 There Are Some Tiny, Trivial Emotions Surge in the Bottom of My Heart
Sister Siwei, sister Siwei, she was talking about Feng Siwei.

She seems to have always vaguely felt that there is a special relationship between Huo Ziyan and Feng Siwei. When Feng Siwei came to her before, she cared too much for her, so she thought about it. She didn't particularly care about the degree of getting along and the relationship.

In addition, Feng Siwei also had a boyfriend at the time, so she didn't think too deeply.

I didn't ask later, because many things happened one after another, and Huo Ziyan didn't have much contact with the Song family, so Wen Qing felt nothing.

She also believes that even if they were together once, they must have broken up now.

It's just that being mentioned by Xiang Nuan suddenly made Wen Qing feel very uncomfortable, as if Feng Si should be the only one who came here today.

Eric had thick nerves and thick lines, but he didn't notice anything wrong with the atmosphere at this time.

Tang Boxing, who has experienced business for a long time, naturally felt Wen Qing's embarrassment at this time, and quickly pulled Xiang Nuan from Huo Ziyan's side to his side, pursed his lips and said, "Wen Qing is now Ziyan's girlfriend, of course she will be her girlfriend in the future. We came here with her, and even though you are very familiar with us, since you will have a sister-in-law in the future, don't rush to Ziyan at every turn!"

Xiang Nuan frowned, and said angrily, "Why not, when Sister Siwei and Brother Ziyan were together, they never restricted these things!"

Wen Qing's expression was obviously displeased at this time, just now Huo Ziyan had introduced to her that she was his girlfriend, and now Tang Boxing also emphasized to her again.

If Xiang Nuan was innocent, she looked like she was 20 years old, so she wouldn't be indifferent to the world, and kept mentioning Feng Siwei in front of her, but it was intentional, and her rejection of her was obvious.

Huo Ziyan hugged Wen Qing all the time, and naturally felt the change in her mood at the moment, then turned her head and said to Xiang Nuan with a smile, "Tang Boxing is right, you have grown up now, you can no longer be like before, in case Once it becomes a habit, it won't be good for future boyfriends to see it, and Wen Qing is my girlfriend, so I can only hold her in my arms from now on. Got it?"

Wen Qing was still sullen in her heart at first, but when she heard the man's words, a light flashed in her eyes, and some tiny, trivial emotions surged in her heart, stretching and multiplying infinitely.

When Huo Ziyan said these words, Xiang Nuan kept staring at him, the originally extremely dazzling light in his eyes became more and more dim in the man's words.

Ever since she was rescued from the orphanage by Feng Siwei and brought back, most of the time she saw Brother Ziyan had an indifferent face, which was his constant expression all year round.

Only for Sister Siwei, there is a bit of patience in the tenderness, and for her, it is also because of her leg problems, probably out of guilt, that she slowly behaves like a gentle big brother.

Besides, he basically has no feelings for any other women. So many beautiful women like him and want to get close to her, he basically doesn't even bother to look at her, and he doesn't even care about it.

So for quite a while, she thought that he and sister Siwei would definitely get together in the end.

However, they later broke up because of some misunderstandings.

In the past year, brother Ziyan has never come back here. Even though he came back to New York half a year ago, and later heard that he was hunted down, even after the matter was settled, he did not come here. She thought it was because he was afraid of touching the scene. Hurt.

(End of this chapter)

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