Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 271 Feeling distressed, I naturally want to hug her in when I reach out

Chapter 271 Feeling distressed, I naturally want to hug her in when I reach out
So she originally blamed Sister Siwei a little bit, thinking that she had hurt his feelings by switching to someone else because of brother Ziyan's life and death being unknown a year ago.

It's just that there is still a voice in her heart saying to herself silently, in fact, this is not very good, if sister Siwei is there, then she will definitely not be able to get in between them for the rest of her life.

So since sister Feng is already with someone else, as long as she stays with brother Ziyan, will he be able to pay attention to her in the end?
In the past year, she has actually been living in the imperial capital. Before that, Sister Siwei was by his side. Eric said that her past would affect them.

But since they have broken up, she can definitely go there, but brother Ziyan asked her to go to work directly after finishing college in New York on the phone.

In fact, there are many good universities in the imperial capital. It doesn't matter where she goes to study, but she knows that brother Ziyan actually wants to live a clean life by himself.

She has always listened to him, anyway, the future will be long.

So she switched to majoring in management in order to be able to help Zi Yan's brother's company when she came to the imperial capital.

In one year, she will be able to graduate from college.


It's still too late.

She looked at Huo Ziyan now, from the first time she saw him today, except for politely greeting them, her eyes were almost all on this woman.

Now, standing there, he looks more mature and charming than before, exuding a dazzling masculine charm all over his body.

She remembered the first time she was brought back by sister Siwei to meet them. At that time, she was only 13 years old. When she first saw this man, she felt deeply fascinated by him. Although Tang Boxing and Eric It's also very original, Eric and she are still the same age, but no one can give her such a strong feeling.

Every part of him seemed so perfect, even though he was always thought to be indifferent and polite, even though she was never in his eyes, people still couldn't look away.

And now, all he could see was Wen Qing next to him, the handsome silhouette who had always looked expressionless, only when facing her, would there be a bit of tenderness that others couldn't see.

Xiang Nuan turned to Wen Qing and said, "Sister Wen, you have worked hard all the way, go in first, we will have dinner soon!"

Although because of what Tang Boxing and Huo Ziyan said to her just now, she had to take the initiative to show affection to Wen Qing, but she actually didn't want to say hello to her at all.

From the corner of Xiang Nuan's eyes, he still couldn't help looking at Huo Ziyan.

When Wen Qing heard Xiang Nuan's invitation, she smiled slightly when her eyes passed her face, and then looked at Huo Ziyan next to her, "Go in! I'm indeed a little tired! I want to go back to your room and have a rest!"

As soon as Huo Ziyan heard that Wen Qing was a little tired, she noticed that there was indeed a tired look in her eyes. Thinking that these days were her menstrual period, and she had been running around outside for several days in a row, she felt a little distressed, so she stretched out her hand and thought naturally. carry her in.

Sensing the man's movement, Wen Qing immediately raised her hand to refuse.

What I said just now was also because of Xiang Nuan's attitude towards her before, and I somewhat disdain her reluctant posture in my heart, although it can be seen that Huo Ziyan only has brother and sister feelings for her.

(End of this chapter)

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