Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 272 It seems that this trip has made the relationship between these two people a little diff

Chapter 272 It seems that this trip has made the relationship between these two people a little different
But while she was talking to herself, she didn't look at herself at all, and she naturally didn't need to look at her face.

So I deliberately said such things to Huo Ziyan in front of him.

Tired is indeed a bit tired, but after all, I have rested in the car for a long time in the afternoon, and I am not too tired to walk.

It's just that he didn't expect that Huo Ziyan would hug her up without thinking when he heard her say that, she wouldn't be so disrespectful in front of his friends just because of such a little face and inner discomfort.

I couldn't help feeling a little guilty in my heart, I shouldn't have used this little emotion on this man.

Naturally, Huo Ziyan couldn't see the small things in her heart, but Tang Boxing who was at the side knew it very well.

After all, he runs an entertainment company, and he has seen many female stars play such tricks.

The difference is that even if Huo Ziyan knew that this was a routine, he would be willing to do it, and maybe he would be happier.

This shows that Wen Qing treats Huo Ziyan...

It seems that this trip has made the relationship between the two people a little different.

A few people walked into the first floor of the villa together, and the entire decoration inside looked seventy to eighty percent new, probably as if they had just moved in for two or three years.

The whole decoration style is the same as Huo Ziyan's villa in the imperial capital, generous and simple.

In addition to the few of them, there was also an aunt who was a housekeeper, who was cooking.

After all, it's almost time for dinner. Even though Wen Qing just said that she was tired and wanted to go in and take a rest, she couldn't really run to the bedroom on the second floor as soon as she came in. She just wandered around in the living room on the first floor. The living room is very large and spacious. , she looked at the furniture inside and walked around the room very casually.

His eyes flicked one by one in the room, and his eyes just stopped on the row of photos near the bottom of the TV cabinet.

It's a photo of them.

There are group photos and solo photos.

It looked like it was a few years ago, at least two years, and there were 5 people in it, besides the 4 of them, there was also Feng Siwei.

At that time, they were all very young, and Xiang Nuan was younger.

Wen Qing lived from frame to frame, mainly to see Huo Ziyan's appearance in the photos.

In the photos, he is not usually dressed in trousers and shirts now. At that time, there were military uniform photos and casual photos. His appearance in the photos was always the same as his usual impression, cold and indifferent, except that his appearance was more youthful. , other aspects really haven't changed at all, still as handsome as ever.

Wen Qing smiled, and was about to look elsewhere, when she suddenly saw a photo of Huo Ziyan and Feng Siwei on the far right.

It was obviously a photo of a couple. In the photo, Huo Ziyan put his hands on Feng Siwei's shoulders and gently hugged him. The two seemed to be very close.

And Feng Siwei's feeling inside is very different from now.

If the Feng Siwei she saw in the imperial capital before was elegant and soft, like the temperament and upbringing naturally cultivated in the upper class, especially the Song family.

As for her in the photo, she has long straight black hair fluttering, and her temperament is extremely clean. Compared with now, she looks more agile, and she seems to have a lively feeling that she can't feel at all now, especially her eyes, eyebrows and eyes Curved, full and translucent, pure and untainted by the world.

Standing beside Huo Ziyan, the whole person looks very happy and relaxed, and Huo Ziyan's expression is more imperceptible than the indifference in other photos. Gentleness.

(End of this chapter)

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