Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 273 Talk to me about devotion, talk about devotion

Chapter 273 Talk to me about devotion, talk about devotion

It can be seen from the photos that the relationship between the two of them must have been very good before.

"Sister Wen, the photo you saw was taken by Sister Siwei and Brother Ziyan before. At that time, their relationship was very good. I always thought that Sister Siwei would definitely marry Brother Ziyan!"

Huo Ziyan was chatting with the men on the sofa in the corner of the living room, and Wen Qing wandered here slowly by herself.

On the one hand, Xiang Nuan couldn't get into the topic of men, and on the other hand, she kept paying attention to Wen Qing, so when she saw her staring at this photo, she walked over slowly and said a few words to her on purpose.

Wen Qing's heart tightened, but the surface was still calm, she looked sideways at Xiang Nuan, and said, "So what? Who doesn't have the past, isn't the past already the past? Besides, your thinking is now My sister already has a boyfriend, and Huo Ziyan is already my boyfriend. So what's the point of the relationship in the past, and your point of view?"

"Why is it meaningless?" Now that she is alone with Wen Qing, Xiang Nuan is naturally not as considerate as she was in front of everyone just now, and she speaks more directly. Although she also doesn't like herself, this is in Wen Qing's eyes and Shu People like Xuan are different.

Probably because she was close to Zhu Zhechi, Xiang Nuan gave her the feeling that she was just like an ordinary little girl, who cared too much about and protected the group they used to be.

"I've seen your news. You are a golden branch and a jade leaf. You grew up in a superior environment and a good education. Although the Wen family is down and out now, generally speaking, you have not suffered any hardships. I don't understand Ziyan. Why does my brother like you, a woman who grew up in a greenhouse, who has never experienced any hardships like you, if in the future, when brother Ziyan encounters danger and needs your support and assistance, how can you accompany him through the predicament!"

Wen Qing snorted, looked at Xiang Nuan and satirized directly, "I'm afraid you have read too many romance novels about desperadoes and desperadoes in the West, now it is a peaceful and prosperous age, don't say you don't know Huo Ziyan's current situation." Status and status, even if it’s just an ordinary person, heh, I don’t have such a false and pretentious lofty love concept like yours to get through adversity!”

Looking at Wen Qing, Xiang Nuan said unabashedly that brother Ziyan's status is very high now, and it was obvious that the original intention of being with him was because of this, but she still said it frankly, and couldn't help but sneered, "You It's really hypocritical, she pretended to be so noble and high-spirited by brother Ziyan, but she turned out to be such a realistic woman in private!"

Wen Qing glanced at Huo Ziyan in front of Xiang Nuan, and said with a smile, "You shouldn't tell me these things, you should tell your brother Ziyan! Have you recorded it? It doesn't matter if you don't, If you tell him the exact words, he won't doubt it, after all, this book is like what I said, but so what, even if he knows, he still likes me!"


"Little girl, are you talking about life or love with me now! Yes, I was born in a wealthy family and lived a luxurious life. What about you, even if you were not born like me, but you are only 20 years old this year, so you live in such a luxurious life enjoy such a rich life, talk to me about devotion, talk about devotion, do you think it is still a revolutionary period?"

(End of this chapter)

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