Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 274 My heart was suddenly blocked, I put my hands in my pockets and held them tightly

Chapter 274 My heart was suddenly blocked, I put my hands in my pockets and held them tightly
"I don't know what's going on in your mind, but don't think that I'm just as sad as you are, moaning without illness!"

"Hmph!" Xiang Nuan suddenly laughed, seeing the sneer on Wen Qing's face at the moment, she just lifted her long dress from the hem, "I am moaning without illness, hurting Chunqiu, do you think brother Ziyan's current wealth He and his status are what fall from the world, and they won it only after going through countless hardships and hardships that ordinary people can't imagine. Together, the few of us have gone through many life and death hardships, and we have come to today side by side."

She pointed her other hand at her right leg, "Look at my leg, it was shot by the bad guys who have been eyeing brother Ziyan, and now I can only be permanently disabled, but I don't regret it, I did what they did. Sister, I know what kind of life I am living, even if one day I am willing to sacrifice, whether you think this is contrived nobility, or hypocritical self-sacrifice, you don’t understand our feelings at all, because like you Egoistic women will never understand in their lifetime!"

Wen Qing looked at her right leg, she was wearing a pair of thick pantyhose, which covered the wound inside, but if you look closely, you can still see that it is much thinner than a normal woman's leg, and think about the walking posture just now , she can imagine the tragedy of the past.

Although she thought about it when she saw her limping outside just now, she might have a disabled leg, but after all, some people are born with it, and some people accidentally encountered accidents like car accidents.

It's just..., a gunshot wound, such a young, beautiful and lively girl, has actually suffered a gunshot wound, and was also disabled by it.

When she came here with a gun and a stick to mock her just now, she actually understood that, after all, it was obvious from the moment they met that she didn't like herself very much.

She doesn't care whether it's because of her close relationship with Feng Siwei or because she likes Huo Ziyan herself. After all, this is what happened before Huo Ziyan. Didn't she also get engaged to Su Yichen?

But the feeling that I didn't have when I was alone with Huo Ziyan suddenly surged up like this.

Especially during this time, he put down his body to accompany her, making her ignore many problems.

Just seeing the previous photos of them, especially the last photo of him and Feng Siwei, Wen Qing suddenly felt the sense of distance between her and Huo Ziyan from the first time they met.

At this moment, these made her feel even more deeply that she seemed to be like what Xiang Nuan said, just an outsider who couldn't integrate into the world with him.

She didn't understand his past at all, and now that this woman showed her this disabled leg, she knew that Xiang Nuan didn't intend to show off his greatness in front of her.

As she said just now, the kind of sublime they have for each other has penetrated into the bone marrow. She was shot for him and became a disabled person, but she has no regrets.

But she couldn't understand this kind of belief, she couldn't believe what kind of life such a group of people with such a glamorous appearance, who were top-notch and powerful in front of the public, had experienced.

His heart was suddenly congested, and he put his hands in his pockets and clenched them tightly. The whole person fell silent for an instant, and just stood there in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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