Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 275 What did you just say to Wen Qing

Chapter 275 What did you just say to Wen Qing

Huo Ziyan has been chatting with a few of them, but occasionally glances at Wen Qing who is not far away.

She had been chatting with Xiang Nuan before, her face looked cold and calm, she always had this look on outsiders.

As for Xiang Nuan, Feng Siwei brought her back from the orphanage when she was 13 years old. It was probably a coincidence. Most people are adopted at a very young age. When they are older, no one will adopt her. So Xiang Nuan Nuan has deep feelings for Feng Siwei.

He can naturally feel that Xiang Nuan had some resistance to Wen Qing just now, and he can understand that, after all, not only her, but also Tang Boxing and Eric thought that he would definitely be with Feng Siwei, and he once thought so too.

The breakup a year ago was sudden, and Xiang Nuan was relatively young, so naturally he was the most unacceptable of them.

She just doesn't know Wen Qing well for the time being, and she believes that their relationship will get better in the future.

When he looked over again, he suddenly saw Wen Qing's face suddenly changed, and his brows were also tightly wrinkled, and he immediately stood up from the sofa and walked over.

Holding Wen Qing's shoulders, "What's wrong? You look so bad?"

Glancing at Xiang Nuan who was standing opposite Wen Qing, she also looked a little unhappy, and asked, "Xiang Nuan, what did you just say!"

Xiang Nuan saw that Wen Qing was arguing plausibly with her just now, but now she looked like she had suffered a big blow. She had a bad impression of her, so she naturally felt that she was doing it on purpose at the moment. The last words she said were blurted out because she was provoked, but she didn't feel that she couldn't say anything.

"No, Sister Wen was looking at our photos just now. I just told her some of our experiences and your relationship with Sister Siwei!"

Huo Ziyan frowned, and glanced at Xiang Nuan just about to say something.Wen Qing reached out and grabbed him.

"I'm a little tired, I want to go upstairs and have a rest, just tell me which room you have!"

Tang Boxing and Eric just heard her words when they came over,

Eric, "Sister-in-law, dinner is half an hour away! Go up and rest after dinner!"

Huo Ziyan saw that Wen Qing's expression was still very bad, glanced at the others, and said, "I'll take her up first, and then come down when I'm eating!"

All the eyes of the people present fell on Wen Qing's face, with doubts and disdain.

Such strange eyes can't help but make Wen Qing's heart ache, as if her own existence is extremely awkward here, she gently shook her head at Huo Ziyan, "No need, I can just go up by myself..."

But before she finished speaking, Huo Ziyan picked her up by the waist, and then hurried upstairs.

While walking, he said, "You guys eat first, don't wait for us!"

Then she just hugged Wen Qing and left.

Only the three people on the first floor were left staring at Huo Ziyan's back in a daze.

Eric is the most incomprehensible person among them. He really doesn't know that he was fine just now, and now this sister-in-law is like this again?

And Xiang Nuan stared at Huo Ziyan's leaving direction with some grievances, thinking that he had suddenly raised his tone to her when he came over just now, as if he was questioning her.

Even in the few years when we first met him, he was indifferent, but he never had such eyes and tone.

Seeing them disappearing from sight, Tang Boxing turned his head to Xiang Nuan and said, "What did you just say to Wen Qing?"

(End of this chapter)

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