Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 284 Originally, what she told him was really just about planting flowers

Chapter 284 Originally, what she told him was really just about planting flowers
Originally, it didn't matter what she thought, but now she expected her to be willing because she liked being with him.

After Wen Qing said those words, she was a little distracted, as if she was thinking about something, but she didn't seem to be thinking about anything. She also followed Huo Ziyan's footsteps and stopped at the gate of the villa. The light from the incandescent lamp outside shone on her, making her skin extremely fair.

Although she has been quietly walking beside Huo Ziyan, it makes him feel that she is actually far away from him.

Huo Ziyan stood there without moving for a long time, after Wen Qing finally realized, she turned her head, "What's wrong?"

Huo Ziyan was facing her right now, "Are you still blaming me?"

"What?" Wen Qing asked puzzled.

"Are you still blaming me for forcing you to be with me at the beginning, so you feel that you are forced to be limited to my narrow range, instead of allowing you to find a rich soil and a vast world that is more suitable for you?"

Or it is not entirely possible to say that, the current Wen Qing more or less likes him, at least when she is with him recently, her true feelings are revealed.

It's just that her liking comes from his devotion to her, and it derives a liking based on emotion, because his affection for her is what she needs both in reality and in spirit.

But that's all.

However, there is a limit to this emotion, that is, it cannot make her feel dangerous or troublesome. Once this degree is exceeded, she will have doubts.

The only difference from the beginning is that because I like it, I won't be as bluntly repulsed as I was at the beginning, but it is also more entangled.

This thought that suddenly poured into his head made Huo Ziyan suddenly feel an uncontrollable emptiness.

Wen Qing's pupils were startled.

She thinks about what the man said to her, is that so?

He thought she was still blaming him for forcing her!

But she seems to have less and less remember the feeling when he threatened her. Instead, sometimes the scene of the two of them meeting for the first time suddenly appeared in her mind. Mostly, it was the moment when he kissed her. In fact, that was her first kiss. Now that I think about it suddenly, there is a hint of sweetness.

Wen Qing's blankness directly made the man understand another completely different meaning. Before she could answer, he pulled his lips in a self-deprecating way, "Even if you think so, so what, you don't have the ability to leave me anyway, Why not be as happy as you were a few days ago, because whether you are happy or not, you can only be with me!"

Knowing that he misunderstood her meaning, Wen Qing wanted to refute, but she didn't know how to say it, did she say that she was not unhappy with him?

She wanted to speak, but found that she couldn't say anything.

She did have some contradictions and entanglements, but such contradictions and entanglements had nothing to do with him at all.

Everything is my own reason...

It's just that after she said it, how could she explain it further to him!

Originally, it was very close to the door, but this time the man walked in without waiting for Wen Qing.

Wen Qing stood at the door for a long time, and finally she laughed at herself. Originally, what she was talking to him was really just about planting flowers.

(End of this chapter)

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