Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 285 Looking in his direction, disbelief written all over his face and eyes

Chapter 285 Looking in his direction, disbelief written all over his face and eyes

The supper that Huo Ziyan made for Wen Qing was actually an ordinary western-style sandwich, with a slight change. He found some hot and sour sauces that were more suitable for her taste in the Chinese food section of the supermarket.

Wen Qing herself likes spicy food, but Huo Ziyan still controlled the amount when adding ingredients to her.

After all, it's too late, and it won't be long before I finish eating, and I'm afraid that Wen Qing's stomach won't be able to take it if the taste is too strong.

The supper was eaten in the dining room on the first floor. Although Wen Qing was eating alone, everyone sat around her and accompanied her.

Tang Boxing and Eric talked the most. While making this sandwich against Huo Ziyan, which is neither Chinese nor Western, of course, it can also be said to be a combination of Chinese and Western versions. They joked with Wen Qing in turn, and at the same time teased Huo Ziyan, asking him to make one for them too.

Huo Ziyan was naturally too lazy to talk to them, so he sat there and poured himself a glass of red wine.

Wen Qing was eating there, while he was watching her quietly while drinking red wine, and the two of them occasionally looked at each other without saying a word.

Xiang Nuan sat beside Huo Ziyan and kept chatting with him about their life and study in New York this year. Huo Ziyan responded casually and occasionally gave some advice.

After Wen Qing finished eating, she was ready to clean up by herself, Huo Ziyan immediately put down her wine glass and stood up, took the bowl and fork from her hand, and asked her to go up to rest when she was tired, and walk around the living room to digest if she was too full.

Wen Qing herself doesn't like sports very much, and after being with Huo Ziyan, she was arranged too well by his daily chores, so she became more and more lazy, and she got used to eating and sleeping, thinking of having nothing to say to other people , Just say hello and go back to the bedroom.

Just stood up from the bench, suddenly thought of something, and called out to the man who was walking towards the kitchen, "Huo...Ziyan!"

The man stopped and turned to look at her.

"Yin Chang called me today and said she wanted to come here in two days. I'll play with her for a few days, is that okay?"

Huo Ziyan looked at her intently, and there were three other people in the living room looking at her at the same time, making her feel as if she was asking about an atomic bomb.

It seems that it is wrong to ask, Yin Chang can come here if he wants to, what does it have to do with Huo Ziyan.

He didn't have a question of disagreement at all, and she didn't know what was in her mind, so she just wanted to ask.


"No!" The man answered her question bluntly, then turned his head and walked into the kitchen.

Wen Qing's pupils were wide open, she looked in his direction, her face and eyes were full of disbelief.

Just as she was about to have a fit, she asked this man what he meant and why he was going crazy, but the other two men who were still sitting not far from him were staring at them in disbelief, and Xiang Nuan, who was looking at her with complicated eyes, Wen Qing held back her temper abruptly.

I didn't want to say hello directly, so I went upstairs and went back to the bedroom.

Walking to the side of the bed in the bedroom, I picked up the pillow on it and threw it on the ground. I was just about to step on it, but I just thought that this pillow is what I need to sleep at night. Too nervous, picked it up from the ground and put the pillow back where it was.

When Wen Qing first came up, she took a look around the second floor, there should be several guest rooms, she thought about going to sleep in other rooms without making a sound.

(End of this chapter)

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