Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 286 Her voice is soft and touching, containing a confession and intimacy never before

Chapter 286 Her voice is soft and touching, containing a confession and intimacy never before

Wen Qing opened her eyes, raised her head, and just looked at the man who was staring at her with deep eyes, without moving.

The man's hoarse voice sounded in the dark night, "Can't sleep?"

She held the back of the man's broad hand with one hand, her thin and soft palms touched each other, and her fingertips flowed slowly. On such a night, both the palm and fingers conveyed a deep meaning, a wonderful communication, very tender, just As warm as her name is, even if she always feels too cold.

But Huo Ziyan knew that it was actually a kind of bluff hidden in her fragile and deep heart.

At this moment, she seemed to have made a decision, and said softly, "Are you sleepy? If not, I'll tell you my story!"

When she was talking, her face was calmer than anything Huo Ziyan had seen before, so calm that she could barely see any emotional ups and downs.

And her voice, soft and touching, contained a frankness and intimacy that had never been seen before.

Huo Ziyan nodded movedly, "Okay!"

In fact, what Wen Qing was telling him was something that could easily happen in the wealthy circle. It was nothing more than ordinary people seeing her in smooth sailing, rich and powerful, at least in the eyes of others before she was 22 years old.

So even if everyone thinks that something like this happened, it won't be too serious.

That was the kidnapping she experienced during the summer vacation of her first year of high school.

At that time, Wen Qing's father was very busy with business, and sometimes he would go on business trips and was rarely at home. The relationship between Wen Qing, her stepmother and Wen Lang had never been too close, and that year Bookshelf Yin Chang happened to return to his hometown to visit relatives.

Wen Qing often plays with a few friends in the nearby villa area.

In fact, she didn't understand how they were targeted by the kidnappers, or maybe their identities were easy to be targeted by the kidnappers.

They were originally kidnapped, and their families had money. Even though they were afraid, they were all over 15 years old after all, and they still had a basic understanding. At first, they thought that the kidnappers were just doing it for money. After receiving the money, they would let them go.

However, what they didn't expect was that what they met was not just a kidnapper for money, but a desperado with antisocial personality.

Why these people kidnapped them against them, Wen Qing actually didn’t know very well until later. After this incident, she was autistic for a period of time due to psychological shadows. It was her father who helped her hire a special psychologist to slowly let her out. That memory, and she didn't bother to understand the origins and specific circumstances of these kidnappers.

A total of 4 girls were kidnapped, and they were all locked in unknown warehouses in the suburbs. The difference was that, for safety reasons, the kidnappers kept changing such places every day while notifying their families to prepare for the ransom.

Be careful, after all, a group of wealthy and wealthy girls were kidnapped at the same time. Such a big event, after only one day, has already alerted the police.

No one knew who called the police, and naturally no one asked after the incident. Of course, it was impossible for the police to tell it.

It's just that while they are constantly being transferred, the police are also constantly chasing them, which makes these kidnappers, who were originally desperadoes, more and more impatient.

For two days, they didn't eat or drink water, and they didn't even dare to fall asleep when the kidnappers were resting. Their spirit and body were almost exhausted in the process.

(End of this chapter)

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