Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 287 Even Crying Lost My Right

Chapter 287 Even Crying Lost My Right
The first person to have an accident was the youngest girl, who had just graduated from junior high school and was one year younger than Wen Qing's. Annoyed the group of kidnappers, they were beaten to death on the spot.

Wen Qing remembered this scene very well. In fact, the kidnappers had guns in their hands, and they could have killed her with one shot, but they chose not to, and chose to beat the girl to death in the most cruel way.

It was an afternoon, strong sunlight came in from the skylight, and the temperature in the warehouse in summer was close to 40 degrees. Everyone's body and hair were wet with sweat, but even so, looking at the scene in front of them, Wen Qing could only feel the chill continuously gushing from her heart, flowing out like the icy water on the North Canal of the Imperial Capital, engulfing her limbs and making her extremely stiff.

The girl's miserable begging for mercy, and more and more red blood pouring out of her body, soaked into the concrete floor, just like that before they even saw a chicken being killed. In front of the girls, the living girl who was playing with them a few days ago was lying there horribly covered in blood.

At this time, they finally realized that what they were facing was a real criminal that they had never experienced in more than ten years of life.

The remaining three girls, facing such a tragic situation, squatted there together, exuding endless fear and cowering from inside to outside, they all gritted their teeth, trembling and enduring, not daring to say anything. The voice seemed to have lost the right to cry, and even to breathe for fear of annoying the kidnappers.

They are trembling all the time, because they don't want to die, they don't want to be beaten to death like that girl.

In fact, at that time, their parents had already paid the ransom, probably because they accidentally left evidence during the process of getting the ransom, and the police were looking for them all over the city.

The kidnapper's mood became more and more anxious.

They naturally thought that their parents must have called the police.

As if seeing that they were about to come to an end, the kidnappers finally broke out. After punching and kicking them, one of them suddenly said to them calmly, "Since your parents don't care about your lives so much , then you can be buried with us, you go and lead the way first, and we will come slowly!"

After finishing speaking, several kidnappers burst into hideous laughter together.

It’s just that the cruelty wasn’t over yet, and the kidnapper who spoke before said again, “Whoever comes first! Whoever wants to be the first, I’ll give you a good death, a shot and a bang…it’s over!”

Then he raised his gun and aimed at the three of them in turn.

Seeing the pistol pointed at them, the girls sitting on the ground shook their heads and kept stepping back.

"It's useless to retreat. Whoever comes first will die. As I said, whoever wants to die first, I will kill him with one shot. If he stays at the end, he will die..."

The kidnappers suddenly laughed, "Then it won't be so comfortable..."

This is a cruel and perverted multiple-choice question, and the kidnapper is completely inhumane at this time.

But even at this time, even if they know that they may suffer the worst if they live to the end, no one wants to die first.

(End of this chapter)

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