Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 288 Such an image suddenly entered her mind somehow

Chapter 288 Such an image suddenly entered her mind somehow

The moment she lost control of her emotions and yelled at Wen Qing, the whole scene took a dramatic turn, that is, the door of the warehouse was suddenly blasted in by the police.

Wen Qing will never forget that scene that day. At the moment when the police broke in, she just raised her eyes, and before she could fully react, there was a loud noise in her ears, and the kidnapper shot the girl in the head.

That shot happened at this sudden moment. I don’t know if it was because the kidnappers were planning to shoot at that time, or because the policemen panicked for a moment after they came in. The direction is just facing the girl.

Wen Qing only remembers that the moment the gunshot rang out, she subconsciously turned her head to look at her.

The pupils of her eyes are wider than any pupil Wen Qing has ever seen. She is looking at Wen Qing in disbelief, as if she can't believe it, and she seems to be accusing Wen Qing, just like what she said before That sentence, [Wen Qing, why are you so selfish! 】

Her eyes told her that the shot should have been aimed at Wen Qing.

She had clearly seen hope, clearly the police had come in, clearly the kidnappers were going to kill Wen Qing first, clearly she should be the one with a glimmer of life, she died instead of Wen Qing.

At that moment, when Wen Qing watched the girl staring at her before dying, somehow, Wen Qing read all these emotions from her eyes.I read the emotions of resentment and hatred that can be felt as long as you close your eyes for a long time afterwards.

After the police came in, they fought with the kidnappers as quickly as possible, shot them on the spot and rescued her and another girl.

She was completely unconscious at the time, and she only remembered that shortly after the police subdued the gangster, Su Yichen came in and carried her to the hospital.

Later she found out that because Su Yichen's cousin was a policeman, and the two of them had known each other since they were young, the incident of their girls being kidnapped made a big fuss at the time, so he was always paying attention to this matter, and in the end Wen Qing's father Under the entrustment of the teacher, I insisted on arriving at the scene with my cousin.

Memories are painful, as if the rotten smell in the warehouse and the crimson blood in front of my eyes still remain in the air.

But at this moment, Wen Qing is calm, she didn't even shed a tear, as if she was really telling Huo Ziyan about a very ordinary past of her past, if you ignore the trembling of her fingers on the man's arm .

After this incident, Wen Qing's father hired a psychiatrist for her, and gradually played down the impact of this incident on her, and then strictly protected her safety.

Even when Huo Ziyan held her hostage with a gun in the bar later, she actually didn't think much of it.

But the moment she faced Xiang Nuan this afternoon, such an image suddenly popped into her mind somehow.

"Do you think that girl will hate me? I think she should hate me. After all, I should have died!" Wen Qing's eyes were empty, as if she was asking Huo Ziyan, as if she was asking and answering herself.

Huo Ziyan hugged Wen Qing tightly, as if he wanted to warm her moist heart. He actually knew a little bit about this kidnapping incident when he investigated her information before, but the information on it was only a few days after the kidnapper kidnapped Wen Qing was found by the police and rescued. She never thought that there would be such a bizarre experience in the middle.

(End of this chapter)

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