Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 303 It Looks Like He Really Likes Her

Chapter 303 It Looks Like He Really Likes Her
Feng Siwei was shopping in the fresh food section of the supermarket near the villa. Grandpa, uncle and aunt were not at home today, so she wanted to cook a meal for Ye Shu herself.

He picked up a box of packaged green vegetables with his left hand, and before he put them into the shopping cart, the phone in his coat pocket rang.

He took out his phone with his right hand and glanced at it, it was a text message from Xiang Nuan!
Smiled and clicked.

"Sister Siwei, brother Ziyan has returned to New York these few days, and she came back with a new girlfriend. Brother Ziyan is so busy with work, and he plays with her every day. I don't like this woman, sister Siwei, You and Brother Ziyan really broke up and can't be together anymore? I really hope that you are the one who came back with him!"

After reading this text message, the smile on Feng Siwei's face gradually faded.

It seemed that he heard Song Yeshu say that Ziyan had gone abroad, so he took Wen Qing there, it seems that he really likes her.

I still remember the years when I was with Ziyan, no matter in New York or in the imperial capital, his career was in the beginning and desperate stages, he was very busy, they grew up together, she naturally knew what was on his mind and ambition, so she has always been docile and never interfered with him.

Does he like himself?Probably like it, at least during the time they were together, she could feel that he had the attitude of wanting to be with her forever.

It's just that it's always a little bit worse than the couples in love they saw on the streets of New York.

At that time, she thought, maybe it was because they were too familiar, they had known each other since they were young, and their relationship was also long-term, so naturally they were not as passionate as Western young men and women.

But so what, the passion cannot last for a long time, and she and Ziyan will stay together and support each other for the rest of their lives.

Real couples go to the end, that is, respect each other and respect each other as guests!
What's more, she likes Ziyan very much.

It's just... an accident later made her think that he would never come back.

At that time, she and he had been in the capital for more than a year, and upon receiving this bad news, she was about to collapse.

She didn't want to go back to New York, because there were all their memories and familiar friends in New York. She just wanted to stay in the capital and wait for him until she was old and died.

But waiting alone is too lonely, too desperate, not to mention that Huo Ziyan has always been the pillar of his life.

Just when she thought she was going to be unable to support herself, Song Yeshu appeared. Originally, when Huo Ziyan was around, Song Yeshu was the person her grandfather called to mediate the relationship between Ziyan and the Song family.

It's just that Ziyan's side is difficult to break through, so I found her.

Although Ziyan was unwilling to contact the Song family at that time, she did not interfere or ask her not to meet with them. She thought at that time, maybe, he still longed for family affection in his heart, but the shackles on the surface could not be restrained.

The appearance of Song Yeshu seemed to inject a meter of sunshine into her dark life at that time. Although the sunshine was thin, it could gradually support her to continue living.

She and Ziyan came and went from the wind to the clouds, and experienced the darkness that ordinary people could not bear.

She longs for sunshine more than anyone else.

Gradually, she also accepted the fact that Ziyan might not be able to come back again, but maybe she was just not firm enough, so one day after a month, she finally agreed to Song Yeshu's request for a relationship, and for the first time, she was his daughter. I met my grandfather as a friend.

(End of this chapter)

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