Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 304 The past is finally over, the important thing is to cherish the people in front of you

Chapter 304 The past is finally over, the important thing is to cherish the people in front of you
She will never forget her grandfather's wise, cold, and unbelievably vicissitudes eyes at that time, which made her feel that she was just a timid vain woman who immediately sent her to a wealthy family before Huo Ziyan's body was found.

It was Song Yeshu's firmness at that time that slowly moved him. Considering that she was alone in the imperial capital, he took her home.

Not long after that, everything went wrong, Huo Ziyan and Tang Boxing returned to the imperial capital.

He is not dead, this is really a news that makes people weep with joy like a dream.

But at that time, she was already with Song Yeshu.

"You're fine, why didn't you notify me earlier! If you had notified me sooner..." At that time, she cried and said such a sentence, but she couldn't say anything anymore!

I remember that Huo Ziyan just looked at her like this, looking deeply at her for a long time, she thought he would blame her, she thought he would ask her why, but he didn't say anything, just asked, "How is he treating you? "

After she nodded slightly, he just said that's all right, then turned and left.

Since then, their relationship has ended.

If it is today, it seems that she has no conscience if she regrets it. After all, Song Yeshu has always been very kind to her, even though their previous relationship was not as deep as that of her and Huo Ziyan.

Later, it gradually became that she and Song Yeshu worked together to draw him closer to the Song family.

Probably, anyone who knows their relationship will think so!

But even thinking about the situation at that time now, unless she knew that Huo Ziyan was still alive, or even if she did it all over again, she felt that she would have made such a choice.

Look at the arm holding the vegetables, the golden bracelet shining brightly under the lights of the supermarket, she turned her head to look at Song Yeshu in the fruit section, it was what he chose for her in the jewelry store that day, it was very beautiful , she likes it very much.

The past is over after all, the important thing is to cherish the people in front of you.

As for Xiang Nuan... Just as she was about to reply a text message to Xiang Nuan, her phone received another text message.

Thinking it was Xiang Nuan's message again, he thought about calling her directly, but it turned out to be an unfamiliar phone number.

Clicking on it, Feng Siwei's pupils suddenly enlarged, his face suddenly lost all color, and he became pale. The vegetables he was about to put in the shopping cart also slipped along the edge of the shopping cart because of a momentary loss of control. on the ground.

The whole person squatted down, feeling that the dark clouds covered the top, and the whole sky collapsed
how so……

Song Yeshu, who occasionally came over from the fruit area, noticed that something was wrong with her at the moment. Just now, she had been looking at the vegetables and the phone, but now she suddenly squatted down.

He ran over directly.

Squatting down, holding Feng Siwei's shoulder, "Siwei, what's the matter, are you uncomfortable?"

Feng Siwei raised his head and looked at Song Yeshu, his eyes were loose and out of focus, as if he had suffered a lot.

Song Yeshu frowned, and immediately hugged her up, "We'll go to the hospital right away!"

"No need," Feng Siwei put the phone into his pocket tremblingly in his arms, and then grabbed the man's skirt, but the man probably kept staring at her face and didn't notice such details.

"Ye Shu, I just have a sudden headache. It's probably because I've caught a cold recently. I don't want to go to the hospital. Can you take me back and rest?"

Song Yeshu looked at her with a really bad look, "Are you sure you just have a cold, let's go to the hospital for a checkup!"

"It's really fine. I'll be fine when I go back and have a rest, but I can't cook for you today, sorry!"

"What are you talking about, go back and have a good rest!"

"Thank you, Ye Shu!" After finishing speaking, Feng Siwei leaned into his arms and remained motionless.

(End of this chapter)

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