Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 335 That Woman He Dotes So Closely Is Really Enviable

Chapter 335 That Woman He Dotes So Closely Is Really Enviable
Wen Qing had buried her entire face in the man's neck, and it was usually difficult for her to refuse when the man wanted to hug her, and in this strange place, she didn't mind either.

But when the waiter said this, she immediately raised her head, looked at Huo Ziyan, and then at the way to the elevator.

Want to get off a man.

Huo Ziyan tightened her arms to stop her movement, "Don't move! I'll carry you up!"

"It's too heavy! It's a long distance, I'll go up by myself!"

There was a slight smile on Huo Ziyan's lips, "Don't worry, I can still carry you with your weight!"

After speaking, he kissed the woman's forehead, meaning that she should not worry, and didn't bother to reply to the waiter next to her, and went straight to the depths of the corridor.

The waitress who had been standing by looked excitedly and regretfully at the back of the tall and handsome man leaving.

She has been working in this hotel for a long time. Generally, the guests who come here are looking for privacy. No matter what happens in the room, they will not show such intimacy in the lobby.

Even if they didn't use English when they talked just now, she didn't know what they were talking about.

But just by the way he looked at the woman in his arms, he revealed a sticky pampering.

She already felt handsome enough to make her heart beat faster from a distance of several meters.

That woman whom he dotes on so closely is really enviable!

Wen Qing walked for a day, and her feet were indeed very tired, so she simply listened to the man's words and remained still, even though the eyes passing by along the road still made her feel a little embarrassed.


If he picked her up just now, but let her go after the waiter persuaded her, although she is understandable under the circumstances, she will probably feel the sense of loss of being let go suddenly like today's racecourse!

Before, she never thought that this man really liked her, and it didn't matter how he felt about her, but once she got the feeling, if what she had would disappear, that feeling would never return to what she never had before. of that stage.

A suite of ultimate luxury.

After Wen Qing came in, she jumped out of the man's embrace. She had stayed with a man especially in top luxury hotels many times.

The different feeling here is that it is special in that it is not like a hotel in the traditional sense, but more like a small holiday house for people to spend their holidays.

It not only has the feeling of leisure and entertainment, but also is equipped with all the top configurations of luxury hotels.

Just looking at it like this is very comfortable, especially for a tired person like her, it is even more refreshing, and I want to go in to take a shower and sleep right away.

Glancing at the man, "You really know how to play. This kind of high-end and alternative hotel is also reminded of you. You used to come here often!"

Huo Ziyan hugged her shoulders, made her face him, lowered his head and said, "I've been here a few times!"

Sure enough... No wonder he is so familiar.

Wen Qing was upset, but she couldn't say anything, after all, this was his past matter, and she couldn't control it.

She wanted to turn around, but the man kept holding her by the shoulder.


"You mentioned this kind of place just now, what kind of place do you think this is?"

Ask knowingly.

Anyway, already in the room, Wen Qing's speech will not be so stiff and awkward as outside.

Nodding his head, "There is an introduction on the post bar, it's not a serious place!"

The man nodded, "Yes, knowledgeable!"

After speaking, he took the bag from the woman's hand, and threw a parabola on the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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