Pampered wife in her arms: President, spoiled

Chapter 336 You are still blaming him for being so quiet

Chapter 336 You are still blaming him for being so quiet

Until the sky gradually became brighter, the room became peaceful, only the sound of the woman's shallow breathing remained.


Near noon, on the way to the airport, Huo Ziyan was driving while observing the expression of the woman beside him.

Smiles all the way and look normal.

In the middle of the night, I lost control of my emotions for a while, and asked her too hard.

Originally, Wen Qing had been in a deep sleep for several hours before this, so it should be said that her mental and physical strength were not bad.

Wen Qing has always had a bad temper, and she was already prepared. Like every time she got angry with her before, she would turn against him after waking up, at least she would definitely not give her a good look.

But there was only one time when she turned over and half-opened her eyes in a daze, and when she saw him sleeping beside her with his eyes open, she said,
"Why are you still awake!"

"Sleep! I'm not tired!"

Wen Qing's eyes were half-closed, and a chaotic voice came out of her mouth, "How can you not be tired? Didn't you drive for more than two hours in the early morning, so hurry up and sleep together! Don't forget to set the alarm clock, noon I still have to pick up Yin Chang!"

The voice of speaking became smaller and smaller, but he was lying beside her so that he could barely hear what she said.

After speaking, he buried his head in his arms and fell asleep again.

This seemed to trust his lazy appearance with all his heart, which made his heart soften, and he was very nostalgic.

Of course, in that way, he didn't think that she didn't care about her at all.

After all, she was in an extremely tired and unconscious state at the time, so she had no time or energy, and she didn't even have any idea to settle accounts with him right now.


Until now, except when I just got out of bed, I almost couldn't stand because of the soreness in my legs, so I pushed away his hand that wanted to support him, and ran to wash myself in a dull mood.

After coming out, the two had a simple breakfast and changed their clothes. Everything was normal.

Even the clothes were packed in a suitcase, packed and delivered in the morning, and after she spread them all on the bed, she asked him for his opinion, asking him which one would be better to wear!

Huo Ziyan didn't know why, but felt that Wen Qing was a little different now.

Of course, there was nothing wrong with that, not to mention that after coming to New York, their relationship had grown closer, and her attitude towards him was much better than before.

But I don't know why, this difference was not discovered after the relationship between the two of them came to New York and became better, but it was faintly felt when I went to the mall to find her yesterday.

At first he thought she was still angry, but he repeatedly verified that she also acted normally, as if she really didn't care much.

He sighed in his heart, maybe he was really a bitch, and he actually missed that she who always talked to him relentlessly and always liked to play against him.

She reached out and touched Wen Qing's head, "I'm sorry last night."

Wen Qing looked sideways at the man, with a calm expression on her face, she didn't seem to be surprised at all, why did this man say this suddenly.

He seemed to think for a while, and then replied, "If the criminal tells the victim that he lost his temper for a while, do you think the victim will forgive him?"

"Criminal?" Huo Ziyan listened to her metaphor, narrowed his eyes, and looked at the warmth.

Wen Qing didn't care too much, and said with a smile, "Of course you don't, so I don't blame you either.!"

Huo Ziyan, "..."

This calm expression turned out to be blaming him.

He was still thinking about how to respond, when the woman's voice came again, "Besides, I'm glad Yin Chang is here today, even if there is any dissatisfaction, everything will be forgiven!"

The man's face darkened a bit. He thought so much because of Yin Chang.

Wen Qing curled her lips aside, ignoring his gloomy expression.


At the airport, the screen announced that Yin Chang's flight from Imperial Capital to New York had arrived, and she was expected to come out soon.

Wen Qing and Huo Ziyan, one was looking forward to it, and the other stood there with a calm expression.

Huo Ziyan's cell phone rang, the man put down his hand on the woman's shoulder, glanced at the caller ID, his expression changed.

"You wait for Yin Chang first, I'll go to the side to answer the phone!"

(End of this chapter)

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